
That’s the wrong metric. What you need to do is compare the top-critically-rated movies versus Box Office ranking.

I’m not sure you’re actually in the minority (and the CEO is quite obviously implying that you’re not in the minority). Its an enjoyable movie. Not great, but enjoyable.

Real Question: Are his comments based on the above, or is it data driven? Netflix has proven time and again that they can use their endless data to make smart business decisions. If critics hated the film but the data shows (however they calculate this) that fans loved it, his statement may be true.

Why is everyone so upset with that scene, I still wonder.
Where does *everyone* of you kids think their morning milk comes from?

Is this from the David Lynch version of Revenge of the Jedi?

It didn’t “clank” because it was all wrapped up in the heavy, empty cloak.

I still don’t think trying to start a universe out of the gate is the way to go.

“Here comes . . . The Dick Wolf!”

I’m beginning to doubt Paramount’s commitment to Sparkle Motion.

My theater teacher friend hadn’t heard of your movie either. You are ZERO for FOUR.

While I feel the subhuman mass of congealed shit that is Gamergate was a huge event (especially for those targeted by them), the roots of the alt-right came long before them. The KKK, the chans, Neo-Nazis, survivalist militia (among others) have been around for decades and were made up of a lot of the same angry young

As others have pointed it out, this is not a “Best of” list. Dropping the bomb on Japan was one of the most important moments of the 20th Century, but no one is saying it’s one of the “best” things about the 20th Century. You’re arguing against a point that no one is trying to make.

How can you talk about his without mentioning it was done off-the-cuff with little-to-no warning for creators who had to struggle to accommodate the changes in their ongoing storylines? It was so botched it’s why we’re having the “Rebirth” now...

Yes it is and I am gutted I didn’t get here first to ask it! Moldus sounds much better and rolls off the tongue much easier than “Non-Magique”, but even so, if the Magical world is supposed to be kept a big secret from the non-Magical world, why use a phrase including the very key word itself to denote someone as far

Isn’t muggle taken as a derogatory term by which you could make the argument that British wizards are somewhat wee bit racist on the matter. Whilst the American ‘No-Maj’ is merely the statement of fact.

I sort of wish there was a specific Scottish term for “Muggle” - something like “Nae Whizzy Spark Bang, ya prick!” or similar.

Yes! Cast. Just wanted to chime in as say that with all the excitement of the upcoming Black Panther movie, some may have overlooked (not sure if I’m using the right word?) importance of Black Lightning - a black superhero lead on a *weekly* television show. #excited

That soundtrack was so good. And forget the harpoon, Whale straight up fed some random guy to pirhanas in his first scene, and that was just background color!