
Whitehead also wrote an out-and-out zombie novel, Zone One. It’s great.

I was trying to descirbe Murakami’s 1984 to someone and it totally sounds like sci-fi when you describe the plot.

My bet - I’ve been saying all along, once they got tired of waiting to find a proper director(s), Geoff Johns will end up directing the film himself, making it his directional debut (and putting his early work with Richard Donner to good use).

I‘ve never read the “Flashpoint” storyline, but I did watch the animated version of it (not bad, pretty entertaining). The story seems way too epic for the first Flash movie. Like you mentioned, the audience needs to care more about this Flash and his world before it gets wiped away. Either Barry Allen’s character and

Two writers with superhero experience that lean toward comedy with their work will be directing a light-hearted hero? Seems like a solid fit.

Toomes had his contract revoked because Tony Stark took over the post-Avengers cleanup job. Basically the ‘little guy’ gets kicked out by someone more rich and powerful than him. Too bad he had to resort to crime, but then again this is true for a lot of less privileged people in real life. We also have to remember

Your opinion is noted.

Just like the real Flashpoint/Nu52!

Latest rumor I’ve heard is DC’s Trinity actors have all re-negotiated and Affleck will stay on for more movies. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give him a break though and introduce Grayson or even McGinnis. If they de-aged Bruce with a different actor post-Flashpoint, they better have a damned good reason as to why a

It’s a testament to how broken the DC movies are that they doing a Flashpoint reboot after only a few movies.

I give them June. June 13 specifically. Nearly a month after Affleck leaves the DC universe in May.

They wrote a Spider-Man movie where the villain is technically right and Peter’s Uncle Ben replacement is ultimately the true villain, in a story that retroactively mocked Marvel’s Northrop-Grumman comic book.

So at the end of the day, will this or Gambit have had more directors attached to the movie?

We haven’t hit it yet considering the six live action superhero flicks last year AVERAGED over $300 million domestic (a number dragged down by Justice League’s underperformance too) and made up half of the top dozen domestic performers at the till. Considering the enthusiastic response of WW, Thor, Logan, etc. with

Certainly Watchmen did that to some extent, but you’re right - because it was such a slavish adaptation of the comic (or a surface reading of it, anyway) it was making points about things that just didn’t exist in the film world. And like you said before, some other films had already started to do a similar kind of

All the actors bitching about comic book movies forget, the box office is a ballot box and every ticket bought is a vote. You want them to stop making super hero or comic book movies... stop going. Then it will stop. As for me, I’m enjoying them, and suspect it will be at least another decade before the pendulum

Happy trolling is the best way of trolling, STAR FOR YOU!!!

I think they realized pretty early on that the hardcore EU-for-life types would be cranky and angry over whatever they made, regardless of what they did with it, so they opted for the solution which would provide them with the best ability to make the movies they wanted to make, which is basically to just wipe it all

A moon dropping on Chewi may have provided a definitive reason to drop the EU, but realistically, there was no good reason to retain it for the new movies. For the majority of fans who didn’t read the side stuff, you’re saddled with trying to explain a mountain of utterly batshit exposition, and for the fans who do