
There are a lot of decaffeinated brands that taste just as good as the real thing.

I take it you didn’t actually read the article? He doesn’t hate Star Wars. In fact, he likes Star Wars, but doesn’t love it. If you read the article instead of making assumptions, maybe you wouldn’t be so angry.

“The Star Wars prequels are not exceptionally good movies, but they aren’t particularly awful, either.”


They could introduce a new Marvel sub-brand, maybe something with a blue logo instead of red. (Get it? ... blue! ... like swearing!)

Oh, I was more thinking it gave the Captain Marvel writers more cosmic entities to use, like Super-Skrull, now. That’s the first place I could see this impacting the MCU

To wit: Disney literally paid-for, produced, and released the scene in Daredevil with that car door and Fisk.

I love Freddy Frog.... Very underused character, glad to see another fan!

And thus ends the inhumans’ miserable time in the sun.

Sharkticon spinoff movie confirmed!

Most of those problems can be avoided with She-Hulk!

Also maybe because he doesn’t have such a strong supporting cast. Besides the rest of the Avengers he doesn’t have many well-known ally characters. Even Daredevil and Deadpool have a better and larger cast of friends, lovers and recurring enemies.

Much as I’m excited by the coming Avengers: Infinity War (and kind of excited by Dark Phoenix, too, just because X3 sucked so hard), I have to agree with you here. None of the big superhero franchises are willing to take enough time to develop their characters before throwing them into the earth-shattering plotlines.

Oh geez, didn’t Angel have zero plot relevance at all? Why was he even there?

Now don’t be unfair, Xavier was short-haired, then long-haired and in the last movie he lost all his hair because of the plot instead of natural causes because baldness needs mutant explanations.

So far they have done nothing to prove why we should care about Jean Grey.

Their rush to do the Dark Phoenix Saga (again) reminds me of BvS and how we barely started getting to know this version of Supes and then they do the Death of Superman arc?

Mark Ruffalo has said that the problem is the thing the audience want to see is what Banner is desperate to avoid.