
Hmm. I would’ve thought Constantine and Jason Blood( and Etrigan) as the Batman/Superman of JLD.

I just . . I just . . really wanted to post that picture.

Kind of surprised at how many comments want to focus on the theater aspect when there are so many movies. I chose that one in particular because I figured people would recognize one very big re-interpretation to a new setting,

I’d maybe split the difference between your comment and Spaceknight’s? Sometimes the definitive version of a film is the remake; John Huston’s version of The Maltese Falcon, which was the third film version of the Hammett novel in a ten-year span, comes to mind. So does Hitchcock’s self-remake of The Man Who Knew Too

a dark Future Flash would be sent back in time during this sequence, alerting his past self and the rest of the League about Darkseid’s plans

“that’s just going to keep cranking out the same type of ok/average/mediocre cookie cutter entertainment.”

You are not alone. It staggers me that The Dark Knight is one of the reasons they started nominating ten films for Best Picture the following year. WTF.

I would agree. I’m a huge Batman guy (ob) and I think begins is just good. Better than average, let’s say b+ but just that. Knight is pretty exceptional, plays with some great theme and ledgers performance is great, but... I think if he doesn’t die its still an A- but isn’t regarded as the “masterpiece” some call it.

I agree with almost all of your points except the comment on the second film. I think, if we’re being honest, that many films would otherwise be meh to just good if it weren’t for the actor(s) killing their role in memorable ways. That is, sometimes the acting elevates the film beyond the story to make it great. We’re

I like bits and pieces of all, particularly Ledger, and even Tom Hardy’s Bane (I may be in the minority there, but I thought he was a lot of fun — at least until he stopped being interesting and just became Talia’s goon at the end).

On the other hand, we now know what it would sound like if you Cronenberged Darth Vader, William F. Buckley, and Scrooge McDuck together in a teleportation booth.

I’m in the absolute minority, I’m sure, but seriously? Nolan’s trilogy is excessively overestimated.

That’s strangely disappointing. I figured their casting would be almost entirely ass-based.

Maybe he’ll get better buttocks when he upgrades to Nightwing.

Flash has always been brown/dark-wet red sandstone. That’s why they call him the Scarlet Speedster, of course.

It’s all in the suit.  That’s Dick’s terrible, terrible secret.

I have the feeling this’ll be our era’s Manimal

Nah, you just do like a flash effect and a quick cut from the actor to a ferret you dipped in green dye. Beast Boy!

How scarred am I by DC/WB’s clear shame at brightly colored heroes that my first reaction is, “Meh. It could’ve been worse.”