
I’m pretty sure they intend to give everyone a cool moment and this was Wally’s.

Reminded me of Blink, my favorite part of X-Men Days of Future Past.

In each universe. not necessarily on earth.

They 100% could. In fact Starro would make a great basis for a crossover next year...

You left out Oliver coming out in his tux and Barry looking at him and going “Damn” continuing the running joke on The Flash about Oliver’s hotness. It’s the CW equivalent of Dick Grayson’s ass.

I can’t begin to describe how much more I enjoyed these episodes than I did Justice League. Granted, we’ve had years to get to know these versions of the characters, compared to JL’s cast, but still. It’s a sad state of affairs when a $300 million (at least) movie is beaten by a show with a CW budget.


Yeah, a hazard of typing with kids on your lap and not proof-reading! Re: Superman as Superman, I thought Cavill’s recent comments were hopeful (no pun intended). I really hope that do another Superman movie.

It’s the same as the Tarkin effect: I didn’t think it was as terrible as everyone else, though it was definitely wonky. I told my wife about it afterwards and she had no idea. Confirmation bias is a heck of a thing.

the editor explained how Warner Bros. offered to pay money to digitally add a mustache to Mission Impossible: 6 in post production, and chalked up the studio’s refusal to budge to good, old-fashioned pettiness:

I believe that particular maneuver is called a “Dirty Paramount”.

Hollywood studios action like petty children? I’m shocked! Shocked I say!

Looks like Paramount took Warner Bros for a mustache ride.

Seems like a surefire guarantee for Bat-Hernia.

Remember, kids: the ultra-wealthy are the real superheroes.

He was smiling, that’s what was odd about his face.

Dee Snyder fans, on the other hand, feel free to speak up. I know you’ve forgiven him for Strangeland.

As I was watching Wonder Woman, all I could think was “This would’ve have been way better if she smiled less.”

You can be damn sure that retcon opening with Superman and Billy Batson—er, I mean Superman and two unidentified kids wouldn’t have been in Snyder’s version. I think the review I saw that reflects the movie best was it was “as big a mess as Suicide Squad but somehow works.” 

All the way through the production and the marketing people were saying “Barry’s going to bring some humour and levity to the film”.