
This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

I am 100% in an relationship with DC as a whole. So while the movies might be abusive, things like the video games and animated movies and some comics make up for it......wait......that sounds way too much like a victim in denial, doesn’t it?

Yeah, this seems like the obvious choice.

I could actually get behind a Great Lakes Avengers tv series that was kind of a Mystery Men feel; the dregs of the superhero community come together to poorly defend Cleveland or Buffalo.

We should count our blessings. They could be trying to cast Jared Leto.

Well that’s a bit on the nose, isn’t it?

I guess the response “Comics are weird, man.” would apply here, too.

Never. Gets. Old!

The Flash mentioned The Hulk, BY NAME, in last weeks episode.

Justice League 3: The People’s League

I’m not entirely sure why I find WB/DC’s ongoing ineptitude hilarious, but I do. Just thinking of sad Ben Affleck makes me laugh.

Yooouuu...didn’t actually watch Wonder Woman, did you?

I also genuinely felt for the first time in an MCU movie in Homecoming that Spidey could have died! Vulture felt like he could have actually of taken out Spiderman. That slamming of him down repeatedly on the beach...

Keaton was a god damn treasure; glad he’s still around.

The movie really feels like five movies, smashed frantically together.

Dang it, now I’m really torn between my want to save money and my want to see Superman’s uncanny valley mustache-less face

Oh so like in BvS, where they kept key scenes and explanation out of the theatrical cut, only to add them into the extended edition. Because THAT makes sense.

“Bruce decides to remodel his office with the help of Target.”

Clearly the reviewer is deranged. I saw the Hall of Fame induction and Jeff Lynn’s singing was crap.

This review reads like it was written by an artificial neural network on the verge of self-awareness.

To be honest, it’s kind of hard to imagine anyone reading National Review for the movie reviews.