
Voyager, “the greatest Avenger [we’ve] never heard of.”

The Jenkins quote about post-credit scenes really irritated me. Wonder Woman didn’t need a post-credits scene to connect it with the rest of the DCEU. It had a whole present-day framing device to do that!

Frankly, this can only be a good thing. Bendis has been to Marvel what Judd Winnick was to DC for ages—a talented writer they brought in from indie comics to give themselves some immediate “street cred”, only to use him on their shittiest and most corporate-driven books over and over and over again to give them a

I personally don’t get why any director would be against post-credit scenes. After all, post-credit scenes ensure that the audience remains during the credits and thus actually see who made the movie. As a director, shouldn’t you want your crew to get as much recognition as possible?

Let’s be real here. DC needs to worry about people watching the start of the film let alone staying until the end...

Yeah, as Marvel fan, my first reaction was disappointment.... then I tried to remember the last thing Bendis did that was good. It was nearly a decade ago.

Yep, BvS tried it by putting it randomly right in the middle of their movie. The files hacked from LexCorp showing mini trailers and logos for the entire team.

While I will admit that Bendis is responsible for some great material, his work has really stagnated over the past decade (at least), and this is good news. He can work on some different characters over at DC, and fresh writers at Marvel get a chance to move up.

With Bendis gone, who is going to ignore what other Marvel writers are doing with their characters and stories during crossover events now?

Shit, just give the FF to Brad Bird.

All of the assurances that it’s ‘just a weekend’ in Arthur Curry’s life and that he’s not yet the Aquaman we know and love all sound like they’re doing their best to kickstart damage control on the inevitable criticism that they’ve taken another character and made them into another Batman, just like they did with

I am some what familiar with DC more and I never head of the quindent at all for aquaman. Why even change it at all? Something so insignifigant as the amount of penises of his poke stick?

“The Parademons” sounds like a Blue Öyster Cult cover band.

Surprised there’s no supervillain named The Ellipse. People keep calling him “The Eclipse” and it pisses him off.

...with the success of Wonder Woman, the audience has spoken. They want female heroes.

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Sounds like a future politican in the making, “I don’t need to read the bill to understand it....I read the title!”

“Loki in possession of the stone...and he was handing it to someone tall”

Yeah, and what’s up with movies made by Martians always taking place on Mars? They are so self-absorbed.

Same way Captain America is Johnny Storm.