
Yeah, Rhodey getting paralyzed was a laugh riot. Ditto for Mary Poppins dying.

I don’t think it’s Marvel (and I know, you don’t either, I get that it was a joke and it’s all good). I think this is WB steering into the skid, saying, “Hey, guys! We know you all hated the first three movies in our cinematic universe! Don’t worry, we think they sucked too! That’s why JUSTICE LEAGUE, coming this


You mean the way you complain how people call Synder’s Superman a socipathic murderer then call Donner’s Superman a “mind rapist” in the same breath? Like that?

Absolutely none of them made Superman a miserable bastard with a lousy childhood. If anything they made his life even better by letting The Kents live. He had a great outlook on the world because he’d led a near perfect life even though he was an alien and had to keep a great deal of himself hidden. And even when

Those free tickets to the IMAX showing of Inhumans must’ve really paid off.

So Marvel got to him, too?

My daily prayer:

Yeah, the whole “Rule of Two” thing is pretty stupid. I would be all for the Sith showing up in force.


Go back and watch the scene in Wonder Woman when Steve is being interrogated by the Amazons and you can get a good idea why Diana’s compassion works and Kal-El does not.

Steve actually describes encountering Not-Ares in Turkey but it doesn’t impact anyone

Dying saving people doesn’t instantly convey “Think the best of yourself because I always did.” If you watch the new trailers Batman is saying how Superman taught people to see the best in themselves. That never happens. In fact, Holly Hunter flat out says Superman has to come before the government to say what he

Hard to believe this guy is responsible for WWII. ;)

Seriously. We’re supposed to think she did nothing during World War II!?! Gonna need some OSS Agent Diana Prince mentions in the sequel.

I would think WW’s next movie would explain the gods aren’t really dead. This would allow for the past 100 years of bad actions to be Ares “fault,” align her closer to the comic book, and also give her an opportunity to fight monsters from “another world” as she says in BvS. Their death may have been more of a

I seem to recall her being told if she left, she couldn’t come back, and she chose to go anyway. Partly out of a sense of adventure, but partly out of a sense of compassion. And certainly the No Man’s Land scene was meant to show that while that thirst for adventure may have animated her in the beginning, that moment

This, though, is the entire BvS problem in one example. The movie wasn’t made from a place of understanding of the characters, nor of building up their motivations, nor of making us understand them. The plot moves the characters, passively, through their story, with them taking actions that they must to get us to the

FINE I’ll take the lowest of low hanging fruit:

She (Gadot) may draw some fire and ire for this. However, if anyone comes at her for it, they’re going to have to through me!

That’s some prequel-level dialogue right there.