

All the original ones. When they stuck mostly to the book with Casino Royal it was awesome.

It also ended up turning Scott into kind of a scumbag because he dumps his wife and immediately goes back to his old girlfriend

Eh, all of the Craig-Bonds have been so bad, that was just kind of a cherry on the shit-sundae.

Does this count?

Can I break out a comic book retcon? Retconning that Jean Grey had been replaced by “The Phoenix Force” and had never been Phoenix at all was complete bullshit. It forever undermined the gravity and heartbreak of the Dark Phoenix Saga, which was incredibly groundbreaking for its time.

The War Doctor doesn’t bother me because it even established that it wasn’t a true blue regeneration due to the Sisterhood of Karn meddling in the regeneration by giving him a potion to become a warrior. Or at least that was the way I saw it. The numbering didn’t change because he wasn’t a true Doctor and instead a

It was still bad then, don’t let them not being dicks now excuse them for the dickish behavior then.

Starred for the sheer weirdness.

When Uncle Jesse’s last name went from Cochrane to Katsopolis on Full House.

Nah, Girardi is one of the best managers out there. He relies on stats but still has enough trust in his people that he can lead from the gut sometimes. By all accounts, he nails that balance of “leadership” and “players guy” that’s so hard to find. Terrible move by the Yankees, but I hate them, so I’m happy

Hey if this results in their fanbase actually practicing personal hygiene, then we all win.

And certainly, 1993 was in the waning years of that sort of film—that type of big-budget action blockbusters doesn’t exist anymore, really.

Cyborg was useful and interesting in the original Titans dinamic. He was placed in the new52 JL team for diversity, the team had 5 white men, 1 white woman and a green alien. They wanted to rock the establishment and now it’s 5 white men, 1 white woman and 1 black man, who is only 5-10% man, and 90-95% white painted

He’s a Flash who refuses to go back and fuck with the past, and he consistently makes decisions that take Iris into consideration.

It is genuinely bad. Not like “I am OCD and measured the kerning down to the individual pixels on my screen and this one is 0.245 pixels off from the rest of the page.”  

They’ve upped the color saturation on all the recent promo art, clearly trying to sell us this idea that “Hey, look! We can be bright! And optimistic! And stuff!”

Black Hammer is a great comic, although I’d argue against the fact that they
“don’t care.” They’ve lived in this new world for a while now — they’ve tried escaping and they can’t. Golden Gail hates it there, but that’s also because she’s trapped in the body of a pre-adolescent girl when she’s already in her fifties.

The cup sponsorship contract practically writes itself.