
I think the story itself has a lot of merit, and this is coming from a huge Rucka!Wondy fan. But speaking for myself, I want as little Batman as possible in my Wonder Woman movies.

> But statements like the one Jenkins has here in MS today give me the feeling that the film is less than great and that it’s been overhyped beyond reason.

The thing that bugs me is, that as I’ve stated before, I really liked Wonder Woman up to the ending where she becomes “( supposedly )THE CHARACTER THAT WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE!!!!” over-blown CGI-fight scene.

I think killing three million people as part of a world-saving scheme is pretty evil, but that’s just me.

I can understand your feelings... but while it definitely was overhyped, and was more a solid “good” than “great”, it’s still well worth watching - the London scenes are a lot of fun, the No-Man’s Land sequence has the potential to be iconic, and Chris Pine as Steve Trevor is a delight.

I think they understand it perfectly fine: a 40 year old story still outsells a majority of their annual output.


In fairness, DC has gotten quite a bit of use out of Captain Atom, Blue Beetle and The Question who would have been used in Watchmen instead of Dr. Manhattan, Night Owl and Rorschach. It was a reasonable demand by DC that ultimately made for a better story.

Oh, boy. A Rorschach legacy character. Could we call him Mondrian?

What pisses me off is that DC is hell-bent on exploiting something they clearly do not understand.

Now I might just be a simply country Hyper-Chicken from a backwoods asteroid, but wouldn’t the fact the DC character pre-dates yellow robot character by nearly a decade even slightly complicate the purported open-and-shut case you are predicting?

Read the books (or listen to the audiobooks! That’s how I first did it). Books 1-3 are really good and pretty close to the show. Books 4 and 5 are not as good and become much more diverged from the show. If it were me, I’d skip 5 (and maybe even 4) until/unless we ever get another book.

At least with other fantasy settings you can kind of justify it by channeling advancement into whatever magic system the world has: the reason they’ve gone from medieval technology to slightly more advanced medieval technology instead of airplanes and computers is that invention and discovery is largely diverted into

Winter is Coming Rendering.

It might just be me, but Old Nan’s description is still the creepiest/most horrifying :

Would it kill the Night King to look happy? He seems to be doing pretty well. Has a big army, lots of friends, and now a dragon. But he still always looks so...

The first time the show mentioned the Lord of Light I thought, “Well, Lucifer means the bringer of light, so this might not be as good as it sounds.”

Did the show tell us at some point that the Unsullied managed to get out of Casterly Rock despite being surrounded by Lannister forces—and how—or is Grey Worm and his men’s appearance at King’s Landing a plot hole? Asking for a friend whose name is Bob Ricken.

He looked way too much like Viserys

So Rhaegar Targaryen dumped his wife and left her and their kids for a 15(?) year old, started a civil war and named his second son Aegon just like his first? Dude’s a real for father/husband of the year material, isn’t he.