
But do you have faith that D.C. Will use her properly? Or just shoe horn her in to every movie because they have no clue why WW succeeded?

I, for one, welcome our new Themyscirian Overlady!

“Welcome to the club of unexpected characters that matter the most!”

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Is it just me, or does Dany’s crew look and sound more and more like The Revolution. I was half-expecting Missandei to add this to her intro monologue:

But the thing is, The Dark Tower isn’t The Hobbit. The Dark Tower is a seven-book series that twists and grows as it goes on. Making it into one movie isn’t making The Hobbit into one movie, it’s making Lord of the Rings into one movie.

Well, in my defense, I DID get a peanut-butter-chocolate milkshake with my popcorn.

The first concrete canon referece to a Time Lord changing gender was in 2010's “The Doctor’s Wife”. But it was proposed by people like Tom Baker or Sydney Newman as early as the 1980s.

You aren’t mad that the show is pandering, you’re mad that the show stopped pandering to you.

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When the Doctor regenerates into Matt Smith, he’s checking his new body, and feels his hair. Noticing the length, he says “I’m a girl!?”, then feels for his Adam’s apple and realizes he’s still a guy.

Popular entertainment in 1984 was not dark and gritty. You could get away with a little more in PG rated movies back then, but that was about to change.

As far as I know, the older series never established that timelords stay the same gender, so it’s not ignoring canon (the new series has had far more “disrespectful” changes). The Doctor has been a white guy for all this time because that’s the type of person starring in most TV shows. You aren’t mad that the show is

One idea I hear tossed around a lot is having the movie start in the early ‘60s, and then having the characters get zapped into the modern day MCU in the second act. This would preserve the original concept of the team while allowing for a lot of fish out of water comedy. It would also distinguish the movie from

Sue is a WASPy housewife who missed out on the Sexual Revolution.

You say the superhero consumers aren’t interested in families, but dang everyone was related to everyone else for YEARS in x-men, thanks to that hack, Chris Claremount. Maybe they still are. People go on and on about claremount garbage writing, so there’s a big steaming pile of evidence people still want to see the

Sure, but the writer didn’t give any reason for his apparent worry, and if he had it might have been different. I think a response of “if you can’t or won’t articulate the reason, it may actually be sexism” is fair.

Thing (no pun intended) about the FF is that they’ve always been the opposite of cool or hip. Reed is a straightlaced science hero out of a ‘50s sci-fi movie who has never looked younger than 47 in the comics. Sue is a WASPy housewife who missed out on the Sexual Revolution. Johnny occasionally acts like a jerk to

Groot looked pretty good.

I played the cassette so often that I wore it out in my car and it broke. So I bought a second one.

As a sorta-goth northern California girl, this movie + the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (and their famous summer free concert series) made it a favorite big day trip for me and my friends. (Something about the roar of the roller coasters, the smell of the salt water taffy, and the pinging of the arcade all at once is so

You mean, beyond Universal’s increasingly-depressed accountants?