
Thank you Gail Simone and Ty Templeton.

One (ok...two) of my favorites......

I think the word you’re looking for is “homage” as a “parody” would be making fun of the original and that Star Trek cover is not mocking the X-Men or anything else...

Immediately came to mind!

This mash-up of X-Men 1 and Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors hasn’t actually been used on a comic, as far as I’m aware, but I have it on a t-shirt. I love it:

Here’s my guess: Jay wilson was probably asked to leave for all the mistakes on d3 and the flak that D3/blizzard got. However, everyone higher up than him probably egged him on to add features like RMAH(real money auction house) because $$$$ during the development of the game. If interviewed he would probably tell

If I get enough preorders, I might get on best-seller lists and be able to tell everyone that I’m a BEST-SELLING AUTHOR. And then I’d be able to write more books for all of you awesome people.

...servant seeing Jaime nude in Cersei’s bed is going to have major repercussions...

Was anybody else waiting for the tree in that scene to start talking like a Muppet and explaining everything to Sansa? “Well, uh, y’see...”

Given the culture we’re living in, where bloggers, journalists, and commenters such as yourself are taking a story premise and engaging in all manner of negative speculation, calling it weapons-grade material comes off as accurate.

is that it would do more to glamorize the confederacy and the lifestyle it sought to perpetuate rather than rebuke it in any meaningful way.

Okay, I wont deny that SOME people romanticize the south. I’d argue that the vast majority of the country does NOT. In that case, what better way to show the dipshits that still think the Confederacy was a good thing what probably would have happened to them, which is, living in a 3rd world country.

Clearly, no real Pagans were consulted. And there are a lot around these days. I know; I am one.

Totes! And having Ares kill them all was just ridiculous. They’re gods!

For as long as science fiction has existed, it’s been used to discuss real-world problems in a fictional, commercial manner - deep themes neatly packaged for people looking for entertainment. Anti-semitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, they all exist in the real world, yet there’s a sizable portion of the population

By the same logic, shouldn’t you wait to see the show before commenting on it?

I scanned the article and almost commented “Where is the Keri Russel Wonder Woman?” but then saw the text. It’s the #4 list on the film and makes a point about how under-appreciated WW is, and then uses the wrong picture. Ironic.

To be clear - this initial comment was where is Mask of Phantasm?

Did Barry’s time in the Speed Force teach him to not be so fucking stupid?