
There’s nothing that says new and improved like a redesigned logo that looks so ’90s that it might as well go around screaming, “I’m EXTREME!!! I’m gonna kick yer ass ’cause I’m so EXTREME!!!”

Yeah, but she had to be turned into a second-rate Black Queen in order to become the Invisible Woman.

Hmmm...good question. Now sales figures don’t matter because Superman is as A-list as it gets, but does he dominate sales charts? Not in decades. I’d say it was a combination of tenure on a book and awareness. And there’s A-list within the comics world and A-list overall. Iron Man and Green Lantern is are B-list

And why was Medusa named Medusalith BEFORE she ever got her powers!

They should be renamed The MetamuciLords

They’re perhaps one of Lee and Kirby’s most outlandish creations during their time at Marvel, and for a very long time, that freakiness actually relegated the characters to Marvel’s C-List

Sounds like a design flaw that would unnecessary for machine-based life. I guess the great mechanic in the sky isn’t as intelligent with design as everybody seems to think.

You have now put more thought into this that Michael Bay did.

Catapultus Prime?


They’re robots *in disguise*! Are you telling me you can pick out which one in that picture is a robot, because I sure can’t.

Trebuchet Transformer confirmed?.

I wonder where Transformers learned their shark jumping?

Silly me forgot Shatterstar. Thought experiment: how can he be updated for here and now?

I’m showing my age now but my sister and I loved The Bionic Woman growing up - she liked the girls having adventures thing, I thought those were cool and we both thought this guy was the bee’s knees:

Ursula K LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness for it’s angle on a de-gendered society is essential reading.

It feels like they have no teeth. Some of the horror and danger has been neutered. It’s Heckboy.

Thank you! He’s got great passion and of course an amazing visual sense. But his sense of storytelling is so bad you realize David Goyer’s script was what made Blade 2 work, not him. And given how Blade Trinity sucked with Goyer in the director’s chair, that’s saying something.