
My mom is going through that with my granny right now. It’s pretty hard to handle and aside from rolling with it there’s not much you can do.

“I’m still not entirely sure why he lied to her and guests for years that Eliza was his daughter rather than his mother”

I want a shirt that says that so bad.

Me too. Allergies. The lady sitting next to me had allergies too.

Now I want to write a YA novel called “Supernatural Poundtown” that would just skip all the bullshit and get right to the weird chaste author-fantasy relationships.

Guys, guys. Stephanie Meyer might be a talentless, vapid writer who infantilizes women and reduces the lives of every one of her female characters down to the shortest possible route to supernatural Poundtown...

Cool how you didn’t actually make a point here, but then again, that’s the beauty of using terms like “mansplaining” and other ad hominem attacks: you don’t actually have to have anything to say to feel like you’re part of the conversation.


Totally agree, Anon. Totally.

“60s era nonsense.”

So a couple things

I thought we had come so far since the 90's... but I guess not :(

I wouldn’t mind a star that shoots out glitter when you click on it. That sounds nice.

We really need a degree of star system because being able to just star you once doesn’t do you justice. I should be able to choose between little, medium, large and extra large stars.

And like the 3rd place finisher.

At a one day con in a shopping mall.

This looks like a group photo from a cosplay contest.

Meh. Crystal looks nice. Shame we’ll never see her with Johnny Storm. And I get Black Bolt can’t have a mask because if he’s not going to speak you at least need to see his face to communicate emotion. Mount’s a good actor so he should be able to make it work.