
That is also true of Charles, so . . .

On second thought, I think what Snyder really needs to do is make all of his movies like John Wick. Paper thin characters with just enough cool about them are introduced, and then it is non stop action setpieces.  

Well that person might impede his vision and insist the characters be described as more than “Epic!” and “Badass!”

This is really the first pair of movies where he is trying it, though. And because they are his own IP, he doenst really have a choice.

I’ve said it before, but this man DESPARATELY needs a co director to do all the movie parts (character work, pacing, etc . . .) that he clearly does not care about.

Wow just saw in an article that ZS says he wants to make another 2-4 movies in this series!

I dont know about you guys but I am REALLY excited for “Untitled Steven Spielberg Project”!


My wife uses pluto for video wallpaper constantly.

One of the problems on demand streaming constantly fights with is how do you introduce older, less watched content to new viewers. In a FAST type channel you alternate well known properties (the bait) with less well known but similar content, or new shows you are promoting and need to get in front of eyeballs to

No worries. Not like you were being. a jerk about it, and my written tone is often hard to read.

I’ll be honest, I havent read a lot of later Morrison but I have no problem seeing his stories go that direction.

I think he was better at that when he was younger, Doom Patrol definitely dealt with the characters emotional states, as did Animal Man iirc,  but its not his focus.

I was thinking the same as I saw this. I know I enjoyed it a lot when I read it, but damn the art was just not great looking. It’s like sloppy Moebius.

Yes, thanks. I am well aware of the history of film.

Financialy successful, yes.

Aw come on . . . no way you saw that Twist coming!

Well I was just being snarky, but rereleasing a successful but decidedly Mid movie like Interstellar just seems daft.

Remember when movies Were Good and Fun? Well not this one, but in general?

Also, the Twisters Suck Tube is 100% how I am referring to the movie from now on.