
Holy Nostalgia Overload, Batman!

I think it was both.    I would not be surprised if she was a copycat killing people and covering it up as the Night Stalker.

Can we just hurry up and get to “The Amazing Adventures of Iroh” which follows the redemption arc of Iroh in between his disgrace and the Avatar show?

That would be hilarious and I would watch the heck out if it.

OH I hope they do!

From what was reported before it sounded like the take they are taking is that she was not offered the job/new contract because the tweets she made were “political speech” and there is a law in CA that says that someone cannot be fired for political speech.

You dont have any valid points though.

But hiring a woman who makes activist documentaries and likes to “make men uncomfortable”” The documentary you are whining about was about honor killings and dousing women in gasoline and lighting them on fire.

Hey now, Dazzler’s Disco outfit is CLASSIC though!

Yeah Boseman’s death was a huge hit to their plans, hard to overstate really, and so was the market chaos of the Streaming and Covid one-two punch.

Yeah I generally hope that with this move away from Giz’ shite management and mandates that they at least bring in some quality writers, if not bring back some of the people the site has lost over the years.

I dont know, but that always sounds like BS to me.

I think there are a few things going on with Marvel post Endgame.

Whoah now, didnt you get the memo?

So . . . you are Pro Werewolf Cap?

The overall ethos on these sites has been “Content, but not content we have to PAY to produce!”   So game guides sounds right in line there.

Oh no! How dare they hire incredibly popular actor to be in their mass market blockbuster movie!


Sorry I totally meant Ressurections.   

Never read it so not where I got the idea, but its a pretty simple premise.