
Agree to Disagree on Revolutions. I am aware that she made a bad movie intentionally, and the apparent reasons behind the movie, but that doesnt stop it from BEING a bad movie.

Well I am hoping you are wrong.

Yeah I am not sure if it is a bad move for the AV Club, Mr. themok, but I dont get enough value out of the site as it is to pay for it.

See I think it is the same problem that Terminator after T2 has, and Star Wars has banged its head up against over and over again.

IIRC when it came out it was said that WB had the rights to do it without her and were going to, but she opted to make another one after they said they were doing it with or without her. There is a line about it in the movie, where Neo and his boss are talking about them making a new version without them ““Our beloved

Ressurections was TRASH but I agree that the Matrix concept could be put to good use by the right guy, and Goddard has a good track record with this kind of concept.

I dunno about you guys, but I am seriously hoping that we get a new trilogy here focusing on Switch and Apoc!

Those are possible outcomes, but you also could get a:

So what you are saying is that you are PRO honor killings and dousing women in gasoline and lighting them on fire?

They are doing both?

I am sure when they integrate the kinja will be killed.

I really just want it to be mostly back to basics.

Interestingly this site is still linked to Giz because i got notice about your comment when i logged into i09!

aww man! I wanted to see Han Jabba’s palace!

Not a huge fan of Paste to begin with, though to be honest havent looked at anything from them in many many years.

Oh so you can see the content but can only comment on it fi you pay?

And hopefully Paste realizes that a really vibrant comments section is a valuable thing for  a content site.

Yes WHEN can we get some movies about white men again? (/sarcasm)

Look, Lucas was going to explain it all but there was a HUGE backlash against the Trade Policiy Disputes in Episode 1: TPM so he had to pivot the plot towards “Clones and Sand” and how much the Jedi suck for the rest of that trilogy.