
No, your comment was: “Except that her “simply stunning career” largely boils down to having a good working relationship with Spielberg as his producer. She deserves to be recognised for that work, but within the context that Spielberg is one of the all time greats — he didn’t need corralling, he needed someone who

Honestly, I am not sure how much more appetite there is for  more Palpatine clone stories given how Rise of Skywalker went.

Some people love it and think it is the best of the 3, some people hate it and think it is the worst of the 3.

You dont. Everyone has seen your comments before. Move along. Move along.

But being the destroyer of Star Wars is never, EVER laid at his feet.

Good god, the fact that Spielberg kept working with her should be a mark in her FAVOR not a negative. Any other person and it would be, except she is a woman so it cant be.

Army of the Dead was more interesting, even if it was in a what the Heck was that way.

Yes, How DARE they have an opinon that doesnt agree with yours!

She also was responsible for returning Star Wars to cultural relevance with Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian the 2 most popular characters in the IP since the very first movie.

The train wreck that has been Star Wars since she accepted the task is, if not solely, mainly on her. “

I think he is just showing his age. The man is 89 years old. Young for a Time Lord, but not for a mortal man.

Wow that is a major dodge if I have ever seen one. It isnt like you ever see Kennedy’s critics even bring Marcia Lucas up, so how is that even relevant? This has a big “I cant be racist I have a black friend!” vibe.   

People who bash Kennedy are just misogynistic dumbasses, there is really no argument here.

Well that was a lovely spotlight for one of my favorites!

This Red Baby Yoda needs a goatee or something.

Your mom sounds cool!

At this point he is “dead” and also already booked for another appearence, somehow.

Black Summer was far better than it had a right to be. Really really liked it. Bleak and relentless, but manages to be really engaging and captured the frenetic horror of what being in the middle of a huge zombie apocalypse could be like.

So it was believeable then?

Enemies for a Star wars movie?