
Hey did you see this yet?

Deep cut, but nice.

I agree about Ripley the Angry mom. Never cared for it or her big line supporting it when she fights the queen.

I dont know, is Iron Man 2's problem really the Scaffolding?

2 things.

No, a few songs in Grease 2 are liked.

Here is the thing: It is not like making sequels or franchises the other way, not connected, yielded any better results!

Hell we’ve know it since Jurrassic Park 2, if not before.

I suspect most people just didn’t know this movie existed, or care about the characters.”

The begging is the Key.

You are not wrong, but that is largely the exception that proves the rule.

Evil is very good, I like it a lot.

1. Movies can be explicitly and intentionally feminist. 100% a possiblity.

Yes the “straights” had such trouble following the 22 movie Marvel Universe from Iron Man to Endgame. . .

Or history, say . . . the end of the Weimar Republic in Germany to 1945 ish?

Well it had to be a big jump up, because the writing from Peter Davidson to Colin was the biggest drop in quality the show had known.

Every time she’s mentioned that comes up, and I am glad they did, but I am not sure I want to relive that era!

Not a fan of Mel, but then again, Colin Baker was the reason I stopped watching.

I can see the add campaign right now . .. .

Deleted cause of Kinja.