
Perhaps another where it takes place and is Good?

Yay!  More Babylon Fi . . ..  @#$% more multiverse garbage.  Ugh.  No thank you.

There is no way he goes to trial before Loki s2 airs though, is there?   

Yeah that is a hot mess now.  Sounds like he might get a year in prison too.

If it doesnt end in Sea Foam, the story isnt over!

I thought I saw somewhere that Burton said that was off the table now.

Aww that aint right.

Nice one!


No, I got that you were beign flip. Just judging by the tenor of the comments on this thread I was more thinking about other commentators taking that as truth.

But what we DO know is that many people have criticized the writing of the show. (I dont really agree with that but it is neither her nor there).

I dont think she is doing that at all, really.

You are assuming that these are the ONLY lines of dialog she changed.

Yeah it is weird how everyone just kind of takes her word for it that her changes were ALL for the best, and that ALL of the other writing sucked.

In DC and especially onthe Beltway (ring road surrounding DC) the traffic jams exist but you will get gapes between them referred to as “breakaways”. People drive very fast in them and come up on the next jam crazy fast. Some are not in control at all and you see a lot of accidents at the end of a breakaway.

Yeah she now shares a movie where she is on screen with Helen Mirren.   Why wouldnt you take this job?

It’s not bad if you put a little Frank’s Redhot on it . . .

Oh I agree, it is WAY too soon to tell.

But companies do this successfully all the time.

Those all released in the first half of the year. And one of them was a bomb.