
Celebrity Deathmatch is what happens when they perfect cloning!

Oh it is totally a Retcon, just one that works for me. And there are other possible explanations for how he gets around so easily, that is true.

Zemo being a Baron and serving in the military is, to me, one thing that makes the most sense. It is really common for aristocratic families to have their sons join the military. In England, Prince Harry (Army?), Prince William (RAF), Prince Charles (RAF), Prince Phillip (Navy), Phillips Father (Greek Cavalry in

It is actually fairly common for the aristocracy to have their sons go into the military.

Well, they parted ways with the person Ray said was the heart of the problem, Whedon - who clearly was a shitbag to everyone on set, so saying they have done nothing is a bit disingenuous. They DID refuse to fire Hamada, but I dont think ANY studio would have given that he wasnt even working there (or in that

Way to make it all about YOU, Ray.

But that just mirrored where the comics were after the New 52 reset, which is where a lot of the DCEU’s dodgy ideas come from.

He’s releasing a special Black and White version tomorrow?  The “Justice is Grey” version?

The concept of it is based on the War of the Roses, ie a long simmering war with tons of political elements that come from ruling families.

Sooooo its just like the books then?  You never will find out what happens . . . 

GA was ALWAYS Batman with a bow.  They literally made the show about Green Arrow because WB wouldnt let them use Batman.

The reason is he is a key player in 2 of their top franchises . . .

All the little kids, and it was nearly everyone who was born from the early 70's on, who saw the OT in the theaters grew up. Those kids are now the ones writing our cultural commentary, making new movies and TV shows, etc. . . . That perpetuates through the society. Add to that every 10-15 years new product came out

It made a bajillion dollars in london, broadway and Japan.  How much focus grouping did it need?

Would watch.

Snyder doesnt want to win. He wants to “be Right”, ie win his way. That way he can say he was right all along and those other guys were the bad ones!

One of my favorite quotes from this movie!

See i would say Buscemi, because you get him singing the  song at the end as the stand in wedding singer.

Lego Faulty Towers would kill it!

Thank you for pointing that out!  I’ve now got more things to read!