
I am a “Revver+” contractor for Rev, meaning I have top level metrics for my work and maintain a certain minimum of minutes. The “perk” for being a Revver+ agent is that I get to see the newest transcription files 1.5 hours before the regular “Revvers” and “Rookies.” I’m also a grader, which means I get paid to review

This is how shocking a free agency signing Barrett has been: He wasn’t even that big of a signing deal, just got one year - the Bucs fans are SCREAMING he get offered a contract extension and some are wondering if he can get hit with a Franchise tag tonight - and nobody even noticed him getting signed, he was just

I have a theory that Belichick hires spies within every single organization and has been doing so for years, which is how he always wins everything. He’s already a known cheat, but how else do they consistently have the drop on everyone from a strategic standpoint every single year? From spy videos? That was old hat.


One way or another, the Patriots’ trip to Buffalo always leads to dildos on the field.

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really.

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really,” per the court record.

I’m still not convinced that picture isn’t some kind of Weird Al parody shot from 1985.

Oh shut up, they’re just a bunch of old crippled men now, let them enjoy the last few years they’ll be able to remember. I’m Gen X and have no dog in this fight but you Millennials with the “boomer” rage is really fucking tiresome.  

I googled their owner Steve Ross to see what he looked like and the majority of the hits were for Bob Ross’ son, Steve, who looks like someone Michael Myers would have killed in the 80s

Having once lived in Boston (well, not IN Boston, but nearby—no, not Somerville) I can assume that since you’re a Bostonian that does not speak like this you have the equally insufferable Brahmin accent, the only virtue of which is that it makes you sound like a talking car from the 80s.

And the bison was saying “weird flex but, eh fuck you kid - yeet!”

The runner-up headline for this blog was Bison Yeets Child Into Oblivion

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

I will immediately pledge lifelong loyalty to the first official team Twitter account that links their own WYTS article with the response "Tough but fair"

Maybe he thought that he could only get a University of Phoenix degree by being in residence?

I think Drew has said that the yearly leader in aggrieved fans is always the Cowboys.

“Everyone complained the Supah Bowl was bahring, instead of just aknowlahging how fawking awesome Tahhmy is, how much of a supah genius Belecheck is. NO ONE FAWKIN RESPECTS US! GOAT. MAHKY MAHK. GO BACK TO COW HAMPSHA. WICKED PISSAH. STAHBUKS SUX. GO TO DUNKS AND MAYBE TIMMY HAHTONS. YANKEES SUCK.”* 

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

Man, Kinja Deals really fucked up by missing these!