A scream rang from across the canyons. A dull roar, really, dull only because I haven't yet punched it, sitting…
ha ha, touche.
Obviously people would look straight past all the improvements, the refined design, the increased performance, and say, "Well the number isn't as big, it must suck."
Another reason to point and laugh at the NSX.
BMW does this from the factory for a number of models, including the M-Sports.
1. The RS500 had 350 turbocharged HP.
I have absolutely no proof one way or the other, but I personally hope it sticks with FWD. Shoving massive amounts of power through the front wheels has always been part of the Focus RS' character, and I'd hate to see it lose that, and become just another Golf R. (Which I've never really liked as much as, say, the FWD…
Jalopnik could do a monthly series for a year straight just on his racing exploits. The guy was a personal hero of mine since I was a kid.
1. It's ugly with the blackout treatment. This color is probably the least good-looking on this car.
$9,900. I bet you'll spend up to 50% of that in repairs within the first 12-18 months of ownership.
Also, it's ugly, very ugly. Replace the black badging on the trunk with the factory trunk badging, put the stock kidney grilles back in, and ditch the black wheels for some polished aluminum or a nice stock BMW alloys.
Yeah reverse I guess, thats crazy. I like it.
when it went live on TV, I had a confused look and said "cota?"
And an R390 GT1.