
"Say 'girl car' one more time, I dare ya."

I'm glad you piped up. When I was shopping for new wheels, I casually mentioned the Boxster to the wife of a friend. Her reaction floored me: "A Boxster? Isn't that a woman's car?!?" What exactly has happened to us as a country when we automatically label any small open top car a woman's car? What exactly about a

I got so sick of people giving me shit when I had my Boxster S. One ride in it down a back road with curves changed their mind though

I did that, but with a Kia Rio

Uh... knock knock?? These cars are all super cool in my book

Right, just 3rd gear, not so fast

Wide angle makes it look faster

Not exactly. It makes objects slower in the middle of the screen, but objects near the sides zoom by at alarming speed.

Quite the contrary I'd say. I always found a wider FOV makes footage look quicker.

damn straight

for that kind of scratch I would expect two windshield wipers

excellent article PG. Police don't need to take the place of the National Guard. And the National Guard should be deployed to keep these trigger happy cops apart from the populace and press.

When you give the police a big friggin' hammer, everything starts to look like a nail

They should put this body on the RB9 drivetrain.