
truth is track owners/organizations turn a blind eye to these infantile displays because it adds some drama for the fans. it actually happens quite often. it's time to make a change and say that if you get out of your car you are done for the season. there's no excuse for grown people acting like babies in a

I think it takes a lot of audacity to ride around in a giant boxy Phantom too.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

I think the Veyron's will fall and come back up after a while. I think part of the reason why their resale values are comparatively low is because the car is still available to some extent.

Actually the aerodynamics were probably the farthest thing from the backseat. If you look at the headlights they do not loan any additional bulges to the body, yes that makes it simple but it is almost purely an aerodynamic function. The car does not feature any aggressive lines because these would disrupt the aero


Am I doing this right?

In before all the Beetle bullshit.

That was the jist of it...also the most baddass thing we may have ever built.

Anyone who has ever been to Virginia knows the place completely blows. I mean, they have statues of Robert E Lee and other confederate war generals all over the place. It's a fucking weird place.

He brought in the F1 team to make servicing the car faster. Because F1 has like 2 second pit stops. Because he cares about the customer experience. Now get in the shame cube, asshole.

Oh my god, two cars, both with two doors and red paint, look alike. Goodbye, cruel world.

Hennesey Venom GT, aka What Has Happened To That Elise?

After the Mk. V Golf and Jetta were released in Canada, they sold the Mk. IV alongside it as the Golf City & Jetta City. Later models were styled to be more like the Mk. V.

The new Mini looks like a bloated copy of its former self

This guy is much cooler than Travis. I suggest a swap.
