
A little scared. Arizona is much like Texas in that we’ve turned a bit purple. Last presidential cycle, there was a big push for voter registration in the Latino community. The main push wasn’t presidential though, it was to get Sheriff Joe the @#$% out. And it worked. Hopefully we’ll get more turnouts because of

He was a great pitcher and a horrible human being. The latter prevents him from being inducted into the Hall and I’m just fine with that.

He’s not winning shit in Arizona without Luis Gonzalez ‘roided to the bejesus belt.


I got $50 that those two are dating inside of 3 months

You Boston fans are seriously the fucking worst.

In a privately paid for, non-taxpayer-funded stadium.

I am a very happy subscriber, The Athletic content is outstanding. I hope they do manage to breakthrough.

I’m sorry, but this is part of what’s wrong with baseball. Next time they should put it in his ear!

Unless the Phillies are all in on this season, the smart move would be to trade the Phanatic for a mascot with more years of team control left on his deal.

I think I’m speaking for all Philadelphians when I say the team’s lawsuit doesn’t hold wudder.

Somewhere, Jon Gruden is scribbling ideas into his playbook...

Then, of course, you state “Sucker!” as you sprint past for the wide open catch.

Did you ever try to line up against Champ, point across the field and yell, “HEY, WHAT’S THAT??? just before the snap?

He finds the whole thing funny, and is actually laughing at how angry you seem to be.”

Tulo is the infield version of Griffey, to me, except he never put together as long a string of incredible seasons that Griff did before the injury bug bit him for good.

shut up

Gruden is so successful in failure that he’s gonna be hired by the Trump Administration pretty soon.

Whatever you’re paying that graphics guy, it’s not enough.