
I think this shows his athletic ability best.

Malik,is that you??

David, thanks for covering the strike!

Billy, thank you for covering Iron Headed Lads!

My first minimum wage job was one-hour photo. It was a great job where people would drop off their film and I got to check out all the pictures before they were printed. The pictures varied a lot from professionals dropping by to get their pics developed, or the college girls from the campus nearby getting their strip

That pic doesn’t show it correctly.  If you watch the video his hand wasn’t on his mask at all.  The still frame that you showed is a bad angle.

Clayton is always good in the regular season, but when it comes to big games he always get lit up. Even in the all-star games he hasn’t fared well.  He’s not a big game pitcher and hasn’t been, but they trot him out there in relief.

The real crime is Steve Young’s hair.  He should fire the person that dyed his hair that way.

The roughing the passer calls in the NFL have bugged me for 3-years now and it’s getting harder to watch this garbage called against any team for simply just tackling the QB.  It’s sad to watch the overreactions every year the NFL puts us through like now challenging PI calls ect.  The NFL can’t get out of it’s own

You’re my hero!

Is it possible he just wants out of training camp?

Given how much of a nut job he is I now question his bloody sock. Probably shoved a raspberry in there at one point.

I’m glad someone was able to write something about this retirement because I felt the same way.  Troy was like the greatest shortstop that never was.  The throw he could make from the 5-6 hole were pure beauty.  He was such a competitive guy and think early on his emotions got the best of him at times, but as he

I’ve been watching the women’s college softball tournament since 2006. It’s crazy to see how much it’s grown and now even the SEC schools are winning titles. These girls truly are fun to to see play and I think it’s probably the best women’s team sport to watch.  

“How many people have had sex to the NBA on NBC theme song?”

The NFL just can’t stop tripping over itself.  

This is no way for a Morman to act.

I loved Road Rash as a kid!  Best game ever.

He just got a role in the upcoming Game of Thrones season!