Typical CS in life after baseball. A half ass plan or no plan at all. Just like the game company that took all that money and then shut down. He’s the only guy that can piss people off when it looks like he’s trying to help.
Typical CS in life after baseball. A half ass plan or no plan at all. Just like the game company that took all that money and then shut down. He’s the only guy that can piss people off when it looks like he’s trying to help.
Am i still allowed to hate Curt Schilling?
My apologies to Nicki.
Was CC such a bitch before becoming a Yankee?
That’s the problem with Chinese basketball brawls: you’re just left craving more 30 minutes later.
It’s not comfortable, it’s not fun...We’re all going through the same thing together
USA Spikeball?
If you do stay at the Lakewood church, the collection plate will be passed around right before bedtime. Have your wallets ready and you’ll be rewarded.
Basically, if I had to pick a megachurch pastor to be the end all be all “Opiate of the masses” while getting rich off of said masses, given the options, he wouldn’t be the worst one to choose.
I thought it might have been the same actor just smiling like a human being...
I think you’re overthinking this, man. I could send my wife or brother or friend or accountant or employee to do cash business on my behalf, as a representative. It was literally the day of the fight. Mayweather tried to place the bet himself, but ran out of time. In all likelihood, he handed the cash off to one of…
I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!
I think the idea is the friend worked as a courier.
“You gotta first get consent, my man.”
Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!
I’ve been married 16 years and also get screamed at every time I try to get my wife to spread her legs.
They’d better hope his son isn’t John.
Rich, man, the good news is that baseball is probably incapable of coming up with another way to hurt you this badly.
What has always sucked: There’s no polite way to say this, so I’ll just put it out there: Denver smells like poop. For real, I went there this summer and everything smelled like shit. So I asked a reader, “Hey, what’s that smell?”
In the same amount of time on Game of Thrones, Jon Snow could have flown from The Wall down to Casterly Rock, then back up, beyond The Wall, killed a few undead soldiers and made it home to flirt with his auntie- all before Seager dropped the ball.