
Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.

Nothing can eclipse Goodell’s mediocrity.

In 225 years, if you are remembered at all, the morally enlightened people of 2343 will undoubtedly think you, me and everybody else were pieces of shit. Or maybe they will have evolved enough to recognize the exceptional things we did in times much more difficult than their own.

Well there IS this tid bit from Magary... i mean you may not need to know it, but it sure is nice knowing it!

He is a rich man who eats his steak well done with ketchup. Like a fucking 5 year old. What else do you need to know? He’s a total fucking idiot.

The founders were pieces of shit, pretty much without exception, and I have no problem with tearing down every likeness of them ever assembled. But it does not follow that because Confederate statues are coming down, all statues must come down. Even a very small child knows better than that.

I understand that. But to do it LIVE is impressive.

Is anyone surprised by his slumping? I mean, the guy had 109 strikeouts and a BABIP of .426 in the first half. It must have been obvious that he was going to come down to Earth at some point, right?

Nor should we forget that in a case of one person’s word over another’s…credibility is paramount.

Uhh, not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of justice here, but a person never needs to prove innocence.

“Now don’t get me wrong, there are very good people on both sides.”

Why the fuck does her friend think she’d profit from the sex-tape too?

“I think there is blame on both sides. You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.” - Jerry Jones

It’s funny, but his air high-fives are even funnier.

“Good job out there, Chemosabe.”

This is my Tiger Woods take. And you’re free to shit all over it, but I stand by it.
Tiger’s downfall was getting married. As soon as that engagement was announced, Derek Jeter should have had a goddamn intervention for him.
Tiger was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and racking up majors at similarly steady

Tebow: [steps into RH batter’s box]

Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.

I put mine in the wash every time I’m doing a load of washing. And I keep it dry when I’m not using it by storing it vertically.

As an emigrant, I am always fascinated by Americans fear of bacteria and germs to a bogeyman degree. Your body is filled with the damn things.