
Puig was, of course, appropriately chastized for his glove flip after the throw.

I say this as a baseball fan, but sometimes I forget to think about the top athletes in baseball as being on the same level as the guys in the NBA or NFL. But they really are. There are more than a couple guys who throw footballs for a living that couldn’t make a throw with the velocity and accuracy Puig had on that,

I’ll never say a bad word about Pedro and you’re right, Zim was a total dick who brought it on himself. That said, an athlete in his prime vs an old weeble wobble isn’t a good look. Also, fuck that series.

Please. An intentional fastball to the head is never warranted. You’re so fucking sad & stupid that not only do you buy the “unwritten rules” bullshit, you don’t even know what they are.

C’mon, the turfing of Zimmer was funny as hell. A 70-something man ran at Pedro like he was going to fight him, Pedro gently flipped him down. That was hysterical. And Don Zimmer was a fucking asshole. If you go back to his stint with Boston, he got off light. The Gerbil had it coming.

Pedroia was genuinely embarrassed by it. Haven’t felt this weird about the team since Pedro planted Zimmer.

Counterpoint: eat shit, garbage person.

You are a disgrace not just to Red Sox fans, not just to baseball fans, but to the human race.

You don’t play sports much, do you? Machado looked legitimately concerned when he caught Pedroia. That isn’t the reaction of someone trying to spike someone. But sure let’s throw something that could end his career. You, sir (I use that term lightly), are a cunt.

“Looks like the shooter’s bullets missed the intended target. If that’s the case, why are there criminal charges?” -Pete Abraham, probably

Curt Schilling thought that ball was not far right enough.

Imagine having a royal family. I mean it’s so fucking bonkers.
Govt employees whose job title is to be posh.

It’s clear as day it was unintentional but some Boston fans, predisposed to their persecution complex, seem to take one still frame and one bad weekend against Oakland as “proof” otherwise.

I’ve done my share of domestic and international flights—both economy and business—on mostly American and Asian airlines. Domestic airlines in the U.S. have absolutely the worst customer service across the board. Continental and Delta are probably the best among the four (plus United and American), but that’s not

Just looking for the restroom.

Gronk: Hey bro, did you see me take out the brown terrorist guy at Wrestlemania and Smackdown?

His lawyer is even trying to get him off on this one too!

One day you’ll have to explain to your grandkids that there was a time in your life when a LOT of people cared about golf.

It was the fucking that killed his back. He literally fucked his back up.

I let a man inject me with a substance that was a mystery to me then. If you cannot trust a man with a syringe and a bottle labeled Bull Jizz, you can’t trust anyone