
Thing is, Beatty realized something was wrong but just didn’t seem to know what to do about it.

He couldn’t if he wanted to. The two PwC accountants maintain custody of the envelopes.

Wow way to bring your own biases and zero evidence to the table to shit on someone, when everyone else is more concerned with offering praise to someone deserving.

Right, Jimmy Kimmel cooked this up for the final award of the night, the one for which dozens of people come onstage to accept the award. You are a fucking moron.

Strangely enough, I went to theatre camp with Jordan when we were like, 17. Didn’t stay in touch or anything, but he was a nice guy and I wondered where he ended up from time to time. My brain exploded when I first saw him at the Golden Globes. Anyway, I agree that he handled that amazingly well.

If 15 years ago you would have told me that Justin Timberlake and the Rock would be two GOAT contenders, I would have likely laughed at you and asked if Trump was president as well.

Ice Cube had led me to believe a nappy dugout was something else entirely.

Yankee Stadium had a nap space in the 90s. Didn’t end well.

A 5-second violation is for in-bounding the ball and the ball was in-bounded. Next time understand the rules before you try to put blame on the refs/commissioner.

You can stand under a steamy shower for days, however, and never run out of hot water, which makes it the best place in the world in my opinion. Additionally, while they believe in hill trolls they don’t actually elect them to the highest offices in the land.

Sure, they are being vetted. But are they being EXTREMELY vetted?

How the hell can a store bought kit be that impressive?

It really hit me when we had to do class projects in 3rd grade and I did mine on the Titanic because the movie had just come out so it was easy to obtain magazines and information about it. I made a replica Titanic out of a empty plastic cat food container because that’s all there was around my house. At the time I

Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.

No. I used them to lube up your mom’s vagina.

And of course the first comment that shows up is by somebody who’s probably friends with one of your coworkers.

He could have passed on the All-Star Game, but he didn’t know how.

There’s no safe spaces anymore snowflake.

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.