
We’ll be here the whole time, Hamilton, pointing out how fucked it has become at every turn. The Trump voters won’t attend, won’t give a fuck, and their movement will suffer no consequences. This season has clearly demonstrated that you absolutely cannot shame a fool.

They’ll just drive to the games in Mad Max styled caravans.

Schilling is the perfect encapsulation of the modern GOP.

He’s been on that beat well before infowars...just look at his socks!

“Listen, I know when something is fake.”

Not a Twitter user, but I thought there was some kind of little check mark or something to verify that “yeah, it’s really Major Celebrity X”?

That “LA Chargers” chant has to be the most pathetic chant I’ve ever heard. Fuck Dean Spanos but also fuck all California sports fans—Raiders, Chargers, Warriors, Lakers, each of the 2 LA Kings fans. You are the worst.

Good riddance. Throw him and his buddies out so their seats can go to a few of the deserving horde of fans filling the overflow rooms and patiently waiting in line outside to show their excitement for the L.A. Chargers.

With so many empty seats, Spanos has recreated a real old school San Diego vibe for his presser. All that’s missing is the blackout.

At least there weren’t a lot of people there to be offended.

Now San Diego has nothing going for it but perfect weather, beaches, and Comic-Con...It’s the Cleveland of the west coast.

Being a military brat, I’ve lived all over the country, visited almost every state in the union, and was born in Japan. I feel very comfortable stating outright that Florida is THE single craziest state in America. Nothing comes close to its output of crazy, the shit is prolific. Yeah, you might get something truly

Don’t lose faith. Authorities released their findings on the cause of the accident...

My takeaway from this article.... Redford doesn’t know what a GoPro is.

So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified

Horrifying. You probably wouldn’t be hired by any decent school district answering a question like that. She’s going to be in charge of education.

Everyone forgets Maroon 5.

The only way to stop a bad bear is with a good bear. Ban bear free zones!

Unfortunately, my wife had a similar experience at Home Depot when she asked for black caulk.

I’m sorry, does “exceptionally cleared” have a technical meaning?