
I would be the best Trump flack. Just a tremendous flack. But then I would kill myself - SAD!

And this is why I don’t find it that impressive. It’s like if Kentucky won 90 games in a row against mostly Division III teams.

Don’t worry. He’s gonna replace the ACA. Right away. Just don’t ask him with what. Even three years after he repeals it and keeps claiming he has a plan to replace it right away, don’t bother asking him what the plan is. When he claims he did replace it, don’t bother asking what he replaced it with. when he claims

Liberals ruined the country with their false equivalence fallacies. Whining about Trump doesn’t excuse them from staying home on election day. Fuck the liberal hypocrites who didn’t lift a finger to stop Trump, starting with that cunt Colin Kaepernick, the embodiment of millennial slacktivism.

What’s diabetes? Is that related to my diabeetus?

This is like watching a bunch of Trump voters cheering when Obamacare is repealed, only to find out that Obamacare and the ACA (which they rely on for their diabetes medication) were the same thing.

The 102-37 rout over No. 20 South Florida...

This is such a stark contrast to Obama’s farewell speech last night (and the last 8 years for that matter, but last night brought it home in a very heartbreaking way) that it makes me tear up. I can’t believe this shitshow on wheels is what follows such a smart, savvy, dedicated, funny, self-depracating, diplomatic

He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old

In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

I still refuse to listen to this woman speak. So, I can’t bring myself to watch the video.

Because the documents exist and are being circulated amongst our intelligence agencies, executive branch and the gang of 8. In other words, it’s news.

Fuck You. Your gonna be so disappointed in the world on your death bed. All the shit you’re fight against will be the norm in 15 years. And you’ll just be the hateful old person that all the kids on the block are scared of...if you aren’t already.

I wish there was an afterlife, so you’d have to account for your general

alternate headline:

Durr... no worries. Trump has our back... He’ll create jobs!


+1 Lot Lizard.

Who did this?