
I'm glad that you've never been pressured or outright harassed or had people question your feminity & sexuality. But that has not been the case for many of us.

First of all. stop doing the majority of your shopping at Whole Paycheck. Seriously. trader joes and grocery outlet (if you have those around) have really good quality food for much much less than WF. Don't get me wrong, you can still get some things there, but comparison shop! Also get comfy with things like beans &

"Great idea, but I'd prefer to stay in the city. Are you into any of those movies? Otherwise, maybe we can just grab a drink and take a walk somewhere."

Peanut and Bug are having a bounce,
Leaping and crashing enormous amounts,
And as I sit listening, feet on the dog,
It occurs to me Peanut is being a frog,
And Bug is a rabbit, and bouncing around,
Is making a kind of a rabbitty sound,
Which because she is one and only just hatched
"Wabbit wabbit" is all of the sound I can

Sometimes, when you learn a new word, you can go a little bit overboard when using it.

Short & sweet. If said dude making the advance wont take a simple NO. You have every right to twist the knife.
“When a man says no in this culture, it’s the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.” – Gavin De Becker

And a salve against all our "eating as a kid" horror stories. My husband posted this to his facebook today and I got a kick out of it.

I've got to say: I'm so tired of having to deal with some standard that if I'm mad about something racially insensitive that was said to me, or anyone. I'm playing into some stereotype. I think Howard absolutely did what he could here, and for the purpose of Big Brother, did what he had to within the confines and

$1 old navy flop flops=3 hour line to pay.

Ohhh I love playing dress up. Once in a while the girls end up at my house and we all get drunk and bust out my costumes. There have been many showgirl moments with feather boas and fancy hats. Nothing has changed, that is exactly what I did as a kid, minus the vodka.

Well, no more BJs either I guess.


If I owned a business, this would be the uniform for male employees.

Sadly my biggest surprise after reading this article is that Versace isn't charging more for these.

We need to just stop sizing ourselves, learn how a bra is supposed to fit, and resign ourselves to trying bras on. Once you get some kind of idea of what types of styles fit your particular boobs, it gets much easier to look for what you need.

Okay. Yup. Sure. Bye bye now. Have fun. Bye bye! Keep believing that—it will make prison all the more torturous for you.

They read Atlas Shrugged when they were 15 and it changed their lives.

I think the "money-is-tacky" thing is probably of rich WASPy origin. Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt, and probably many other etiquette experts were of the WASPy old-money set (think Edith Wharton/Henry James). Talking about money was "vulgar," maybe because "everyone" was assumed to have it and be above the concerns of

I feel like pretty much every culture except US/UK is all about the money. I'm Indian and I didn't even realize people made gift registries until I was invited to my first non-Indian wedding! I thought that was horribly rude, to be asking for stuff. You just give cash/check. I've heard same things from Mexican, Asian

WAIT A MINUTE Are you telling me that non-western people GET MARRIED?