
The white population of America really needs to get on board with the red envelope.

I can't help but feel like this myth is perpetuated entirely be people who have never actually seen an uncircumcised penis. Because if it weren't, then they would realize that when it's hard (as in, how it would presumably be if one were blowing it), it's almost completely identical to a circumcised penis, with the

Oh I'm there. Lurking. Watching. Waiting.

And Miss Manners, as usual, has the correct and final ruling:

If you can spare another 7$ or so I highly recommend you also get Claire Weekes' "Complete Self-Help for Your Nerves." It was SO helpful to me when I went through a very, very bad case of anxiety and panic-attacks that caused me to have severe vertigo and become near-agoraphobic! Man, this shit really isn't fun at

Wrong mouse, but I accept your critique.


More info from the article:

I'll state straight out that I think the UN and NGOs should be working to stop female circumcision and eradicate the social need for the procedure.

I think you make an excellent point. This is the reason many women of color have been reluctant to join mainstream (whitestream?) feminist efforts. There is sometimes a sense of cultural superiority infused in the language and rheroric of feminism. Many feminists see cross-cultural gender inequality as something to

Agree with Blanket. You have to be careful about Othering and projecting Euro-American (white) norms onto other cultures. Some women in other areas have ceremonies and welcome stitching as an important and celebrated mark of womanhood.

The News Hour did a report on the change strategies that are getting these results. As the leadership switched from Jezebel type crusaders to public health professional, the focus of the interventions shifted from presenting the social norms of people the target population doesn't give a flying fuck about (white

So our source on this is the Sanford PD, which also decided that a guy who shot an unarmed kid could just merrily skip on home (with his gun) because he said he had his reasons?

I'm visualizing him setting up something like this:

I don't believe in... the Easter Bunny

I need a gif of my husband telling our girls, "Do you realize you are still talking? Out loud? Where we all can hear you?"

Any man that is lucky enough to have a sleep over gets to see me with no makeup the very first time. No way am I sleeping in any of that shit, it makes me feel gross and dirty.

There is no makeup in the world that's "healthy" to sleep in, let alone actively good for your skin and eyelashes. This reminds me of the sudden occurrence of "overnight hair balms." Way to find a new way to sell us stuff, I guess.

Hey look, she managed to play Michael Jordan without changing the color of her skin. See how that can work?