
NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.


Nope, not sexist! He pulls male colleagues into his lap all the time!

Btw all y'all are sluts.

I guess you can't buy taste.

Oh HELL no.

Anything is possible in the Knowles family.

Me talking about money I don't have yet—

You're kind of batting 0 for 2 here. Having an eating disorder isn't something you "choose" to do.

"Flight attendants have to learn hundreds of regulations and know the safety features of all of the aircraft in their airline’s fleet. They must know how to evacuate the plane on land or sea within 90 seconds; fight fires 35,000 feet in the air; keep a heart attack or stroke victim alive; calm an anxious, aggressive,

Skinny Girl cocktails, so people can get their pink out on in less than 20 calories.

Perfect illustration for this. What a creep!!

My latest idea for a reality show is one in which Donald Trump and the Long Island Medium compete and the winner gets a flattering haircut.

Whenever I feel like garbage after an abusive rant, I try to gain some perspective...Tina Fey's quote about women and our bodies sums it up quite nicely:

I once blew the AD/BC vs. BCE/CE thing and used BC on a frickin' biology paper (first year uni, so bear with me). When I got my paper back, the TA has crossed out all of my dates and replaced them with their equivalent in the Islamic calendar (that anno Hegirae one). Which was a nice demonstration on why you want to

I object! There are 22-year-old bellies that don't fit inside tube tops, and some 45-year-0ld bellies that should be displayed at every opportunity.

Don't feel badly, the vast majority of tourists don't remember to circle all the way around the exhibit and observe the way Mona Lisa's displaying her thong on her back. It is truly unforgettable, she has a point.


Seemed like a good time to pop this baby out.