The problem is that Puerto Rico is part of one of those shithole countries. You know, the ones dominated by religious nutjobs, without modern healthcare
The problem is that Puerto Rico is part of one of those shithole countries. You know, the ones dominated by religious nutjobs, without modern healthcare
and those other 3% are engineers, medical doctors, dentists, and other unqualified morons who don’t know what science is
I can’t believe that neither this nor any of the linked articles includes pictures. Of. The. Poop.
3 days is okay; I’ve left mine for that length of time a couple of times. Leave a big bowl of dry food, a smaller one of wet (you don’t want to leave a big bowl, because it will go bad fast) several water bowls, and if you can, an extra litter box. The cat should be fine.
I am the official family leftie, having been born and raised in the SF Bay Area. The rest of my family is from a small town in Trump Country and most of them still live in the area where they grew up. So I’m the go-to relative for the kids of my cousins who are (pick one or more) coming out as gay, in an interracial…
Am I the only woman in the world that did not find this movie funny? I’ve tried a few times and I love all the actresses, but... like the heart cookie scene above. It’s shooting for way too many things at once? Two best friends that have drifted apart and are struggling, or at least Wigg’s character is. So it seems to…
the book was fabulous. i highly recommend it. not that my recommendation means anything, but if you enjoy reading, this is a good one.
I had to put my 6 year old cat down yesterday. I’ve been sobbing nonstop because all I ant is his little paw to swing down from the top of my couch to touch my shouoder or the top of my head, or to pick him up and lay him against my shoulder to listen to him purr. Beau. Died of kidney failure after fighting diabetes an…
Hi kids! Sorry, it’s been a long time. This summer has been batshit, and for some reasons Saturdays just haven’t lined up for me with SNS.
Tomorrow night, I am pretty sure I’m going to sleep with a guy I’ve been into for almost two years. We’ve had every barrier possible between us: I was married, for one. Barrier after barrier fell away, and now... wish me luck.
I got my ancestry DNA results this week and I have a half brother. Two actually, I already knew they existed but I’ve never had a name. I was adopted at birth, I only know a little about my mother but I found her whole family pretty quickly. I contacted a great aunt who confirmed my “1st cousin/close relative” match…
Bucky pupdate! He was sick after our longest car ride adventure (25mi away). I chalked it up to too much excitement/potential car sickness... But then he puked again the following day. Given he still hasn’t had his final shots and the threat of parvo scares the ever loving crap outta me, we ended up going to the vet.…
Just put my dog down and I'm a mess.
She was good in Powerless (short-lived office comedy that took place in the DC Universe)