
I was referring to federal tax returns.

Do you mean “write off wear and tear, gas, etc” on their taxes? If so that’s probably not going to happen. The only way any Sch A deductions get taken is if the total of that page is more than the standard deduction which, for 2017, is $6350 for single and $12700 for joint filing. Delivery drivers do have expenses but

I am in love with that

So she should have stated at the very beginning of the date that there would be no sex? Because it seems as if everything was going fine until he started putting his hands on her without any encouragement or permission.

I also want to make clear *again* that the fact that some women want to be chased, want a man to work for sex, want to be able to claim virtue (as if that’s necessary) by having given it up because the man talked her into it, does **not** mean that all or even most women feel or act that way.

There should be no reliance on non-verbal cues of consent since everyone doesn’t have the same cues and they can be interpreted anyway the other person likes.

I’m sure there are nice looking melamine spoons available somewhere.

Oh GOD NO! I just got a little sick. I have a thing about texture and that description....

Are you talking about the 1924 convention? If so that is not true. The klansmen were parading in Madison on their way to a policeman’s funeral.

She is correct.

Right...Because the authorities are so quick to investigate these types of cases.

Really? Guys expect that ALL THE TIME!

In this world, people actually engage in a sexual foreplay of hard to get.

Phew. That’s how we stack - largest to smallest with all silverware on top. Also the size of the stack is dependent on the composition of the plates/bowls. Heavy china means we don’t stack more than two or three items together. Lighter melamine/plastic equals a slightly taller, but still, stable stack.

deputies didn’t know anyone was at the home in the San Antonio suburb of Schertz.

whoops. didn’t mean to post here.

The main comment you responded to explained why the women respond to you this way. We’ve already had to put up with a lot of shit before we got to you and we don’t know if you are going to be a decent person or just another gross, creepy man.

No one is discussing issues like being on trains or the general creepiness of men.

That little line of drool from the corner of her mouth.... SO SEXY

Don’t forget the top of your ears. That gets missed by most people and, like eyelids, the skin is thinner.