
Listen to women. The majority will say they don’t like being approached when they are just trying to live their life.

The most attractive guys have been the creepiest in my experiences. Mostly because they think being attractive makes it a done deal.

No one, attractive or not, should approach people on the street. These people are just trying to go about their day not get hit on.

Trump’s lawyer John Dowd drafted the president’s tweet, according to two people familiar with the twitter message. Its authorship could reduce how significantly it communicates anything about when the president knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI, but also raises questions about the public relations strategy of

I thought we’d known for a long time that he is a piece of shit.

What is going on at that school that they don’t want recorded? It sure seem that the school blew this whole thing up for such a little thing

Then your problem should be with Twitch and Twitch only, and you should leave these women alone. They are just doing what anyone would do which it take advantage of any loophole or chance they get.

If he’s mad at Twitch for not consistently applying the rules then he should aim his anger at them, not

Makes one wonder when someone, you, takes this much offense at something a stranger said about people that are not you. Seems a little “protest too much”.

This is awesome and I want one

All of them?

Can I pick which breed of dog I am?

I haven’t made up my mind about what happened. The cops admitted they raped, oh had sex, with her.

Did they rape her? Or did she offer to blow them to get out of the charges, and the cops stupidly went along with it? And then she decides she can claim rape and sue and get a settlement?

What is their story: After we arrested her and had her in cuffs she told us that she really, really wanted to have sex with both of us. It was crazy.

I don’t know where you are from but this has been known, or should have been known, to white people for years. I grew up before the internet and I knew this since I was in middle school. I had very long curly hair and one of my poc friends used to like to play with it but I knew it wasn’t appropriate to touch hers or

The only music I want to hear on an flight is the music coming from my headphones directly into my ears and my ears alone

IKR. “Sparkling wine service” doesn’t have the same...panache about it.

They advertised it as a “champagne” service flight. Champagne service is usually used to describe a higher level of service not actual champagne.

Never mind. Otokosorosh beat me to : “actually orange juice is totally filled with artificial flavoring and scent”