Oh I know about our horrible sex ed or lack there of. Against all evidence about it’s lack of effectiveness they can’t give it up and still claim that it’s the only way.
Oh I know about our horrible sex ed or lack there of. Against all evidence about it’s lack of effectiveness they can’t give it up and still claim that it’s the only way.
It seems like I remember a case where the rapist or his supporters defended his actions by basically saying that since she wasn’t conscious and couldn’t remember what happened then wasn’t traumatized so ...
Sex ed includes lessons on consent. Well if it’s good sex ed it does.
I think he told himself that she was awake, even though he knew she really wasn’t, so that he could “try something”
I wasn’t informing you that he was listening and I’m sorry if you took it that way.
Jibber Jabba the Hutt
He was “stunned” that Rep Wilson listened to the call when he was DOING THE EXACT SAME THING but on the other end.
Rest easy. You comment wasn’t at all mansplainy. Or would that be with an “ey”?
Yes, women are expected to be able to gently reject men and are expected to appear nice at all times, but that can largely be learned, and women can often learn this from imitating other women.
yet- when women DO approach you, they are boring or weird?
If a man is making “cow eyes” at a woman and not getting any results, most people (including me) will tell him, “Dude, you need to make more of an effort.
1. This is an article about a guy shooting his daughter’s boyfriend in the dick
This and the creepy purity ball shit. So gross and inappropriate.
So it’s okay to attack a man that is having sex with your daughter for no reason beyond some stupid idea about your honor? Women don’t belong to men and men have no right to tell us who we can or cannot fuck
I have years of experience with coloring my hair but color stripper... That shit scares me. I used it once on my whole head and the results were not good. After that I used it regularly on my forelock so I could dye it a bright color. A few times I left it on just seconds too long and it ate right through my hair.
Dammit. I know better than that. I guess I was just distracted. Watching Supernatural and trying to keep my mind off all the bullshit that is the world.
It wouldn’t be myself that I kill. Just sayin’.
That title has always been a “what?” for me.
Greyed comments like these:
The statues that we want to bring down are honoring the leaders of a treasonous rebellion that killed over half a million men.