
Seems more like an OnlyFans kinda content 

The statement is 100% false.

I care about both, but I feel the need to point out that there are a lot more shitty people you’ll be exposed to than shitty puppies. I’m okay with prioritizing their rights over those of my common man...

Yeah, nah...get bent, bitch.

This almost 100% goes to the fact that this is a pain related issue and far to many doctors don’t believe women when they say they are in pain. This is like women getting full hysterectomy and getting sent home from the hospital being told to take to ibuprofen for the pain. Can’t prescribe them “dangerous” opioids.

Dennis Plowden Jr. was an unarmed man who posed no threat when he was murdered by a criminal cop. I’m sure the stupid racist piece of shit I just flagged and dismissed cries a river over domestic terrorist Ashli Babbitt who was legally shot dead when trying to overthrow the United States at the Capitol on January 6th.

I think it’s too many characters. Should have stuck with Yelana and Bucky (which I think would be super interesting) and maybe Ghost. Maybe US Agent.  Taskmaster and Red Guardian are cluttering this up.

The tone of this whole article is a big nope. Shame on you.

This is a bad take. Trying to compare one thing that Pete Davidson did in response to the piling-on from Kanye West and his fans is quite the false equivalency, and it’s painfully obvious that he’s not the aggressor in this whole thing.

This headline - and the entire article - has a very unsettling tone. Why are y’all making fun of someone for seeking health and wellness? Kanye won’t stop saying that Pete should basically die, and he encourages his fanbase to tell Pete as much - and to harass him. Really, McDuffie, what are you getting at here?  Why

Belittling someone for seeking therapy to process their own experiences is...something. Pete has been open about the fact that he has borderline personality disorder, a serious mental health condition with a high rate of suicide and other bad outcomes if not treated by a therapist.

Now show all the kids who have transitioned successfully and happily and will testify that it literally saved their lives. (I can think of two I know personally right off the top of my head). 

“laughing at someone who can speak better than you”

Lol who cares? He’s a useless hateful idiot who deserves to be mocked into an early grave.


He can’t because the lettuce on that hamburger will make him gay

Because men don’t menstruate?

The somehow even more fucked up part about all of this... anti-abortion assholes are saying “You didn’t read the whole story, she was able to go to Indiana”. Like somehow having to cross state lines to get something she could have got locally last week is NBD and that things are still normal.

At least the killer’s roommate didn’t mince words, when it came to describing the guy.

The shooting ended after someone returned fire, hitting Smith in the hip area