
Seems like a skeptical take was warranted. 

Sure looks like they were right on this one. 

Couple of months at the very least.

Now playing

Bruce’s Beach was part of Last Week Tonight’s episode about housing discrimination. This is our history and it’s terrible and sad and maddening.

Looks more like a hotel room than an apartment

IHOP told the Associated Press that the incident did not reflect its efforts to create “a warm and hospitable dining experience for all guests.”

There were paper tags in the rear window.

I know you’re a racist troll but I’m bored so I’m gonna pretend you actually are able to be educated.

He’s being told “don’t move” but also “get out of the car”. He is unable to comply with both of these. If he put his hands down to open the car door they would shoot him.

Do you not have an answer for GSGregory?

In the Stone Age, all of our ancestors including yours, were still in and around Eastern Africa so race has nothing to do with your link. 

Troll blaming Breonna for her own death is a total piece of shit.

The door wasn’t open while he was sleeping. He opened it after he heard a commotion outside his house.

I would pay for a front row seat though


Why were the police stopping a man who was riding a bike against traffic? They had nothing better to do? They could have just rolled down a window and told him to knock it off. 

Don’t ride your bike against the flow of traffic because the cops are bored and looking for an excuse to take someone down.

But the cops, who had nothing better to do than stop a man because he was riding a bike against traffic, didn’t know he had a gun at the time they stopped him.

Okay we get it. Your parents didn’t love you and that caused you to be filled with hate against yourself and others. But why do you have to bring us into your tiny, tiny world? 

Cops should learn that they don’t have the right to demand a person identify themselves unless that person is suspected of a crime.