Then they should be pissed off at the racists that co-opted the flag, romanticized the war and put up statues in order to keep pocs in their place during Reconstruction and Jim Crow.
Then they should be pissed off at the racists that co-opted the flag, romanticized the war and put up statues in order to keep pocs in their place during Reconstruction and Jim Crow.
I had to break with my cousin. The two of us were very close. We were born just a few hours apart and were both the artsy, “smart” ones in the family. I am his daughter’s godmother. His half Hispanic daughter because his wife is Mexican. I guess shes “one of the good ones.”
Are you including yourself in that belief? Because you know there is nothing in your wallet.
but he has accomplished several things since taking office.
Hillary was 100 times worse than Trump
People like her believe that a toddler being accidentally shot by an older sibling, a person killing their partner thinking they are an intruder or a man killing 58+ people at a concert is just the price we have to pay for freedom.
I want to apologize for these asshole white people. They make me ashamed to share a skin color.
That’s good
I’m not saying that we do but I’m also not saying that we don’t.
bigoted unhappy madman
Don’t leave out us women. We love some Popeyes too.
In 2015 my aunt was having lower abdominal pain and fullness. Like the feeling of constipation. After a few months of this she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Unfortunately it started to spread after an initial recession from chemo. She passed away in March 2016.
So what’s your number? Is it okay when men have a different partner every two weeks? Do you still have a problem if her # is lower than yours but still over your acceptable limit?
they didn’t have a cause. They were dumb kids out late at night and acting stupid. They didn’t think what they did or said was offensive which is why the driver could have informed them of that and educated them. It was a dumb joke made by stupid kids who may have become allies had they not been berated for…
With a hungry polar bear
“And then I put my cigarette out on his forehead.” How I wish this story ended.
We sent Pam an invitation with no plus-ones and dropped some hints that no kids can come. She then mentioned a few days ago that she’s going to bring her kids. We then told her flat-out that she can’t bring kids to the wedding,
You are my hero