River Kleenex

Great, great read.

Octopuses are quite sketchy.

The funny part is that the worker DID recognize McConnell and that there isn’t normally a cover charge.

Every mention of d’Arnaud reminds me how much I hate the R.A. Dickey Josh Thole trade (as a Jays fan).

Every mention of Syndergaard reminds me how much I hate the R.A. Dickey trade (as a Jays fan).

Except not.... We’re literally using to describe a group of people most likely to be white who are causing trouble...

Context matters, otherwise go be offended by every englishman talking about “Fags”

How is it used these days? Guys riding in a pack mentality, trying to act tough, are thugs.

Hopefully it’s Lord Stinkton, ruler and rightful heir to the throne of Farts.

As a biracial woman, works that examine this sort of thing always interest me when they’re done by people who know what the hell they’re talking about. So, pretty much anyone other than Rachel Dolezel, who has never been caught between a race or culture or ethnicity or anything else. Bitch, you ARE white. You

“I don’t know what you’re referring to with that” lmao I cannot stand this bish but I 100% respect her commitment

Keep it up with the bad puns and your account will be suspendered.

He’s getting paid that much money to pinch hit? What a waist.

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

How in the FUCK did Oakland finish ahead of getting hit by a car?????

....for breaking the law. And possibly for failing to comply with a lawful order depending on state law.

Why would a car driving on the sidewalk bother pedestrians? It's dangerous and completely unnecessary.

I admit, I’m not particularly well versed in American law, but I’m curious as to why you would say this.

Why risk possible being charged with felony resisting arrest, which the audio can corroborate pretty effectively for the prosecution? Btw are you a lawyer?

Reminds me of the time that Donald Sterling tried to change the name of the Clippers to the “Houseboys”.