Can’t believe they’re still playing soccer in Fort McMurray
Can’t believe they’re still playing soccer in Fort McMurray
In before some savant makes an hilarious exchange rate joke.
This is rich. Especially, coming from a guy who advocates for cilantro in his avocado salsa. You can’t even get salsa right, let alone basketball hot takes. Fuck on outta here.
You’d think he would be more aware, considering the team is named after a colloquialism for male genitalia.
“I love a kid who knows his way around the balls.”
-Gerald Arthur Sandusky
I always enjoy when people say that there is no fighting in playoff hockey, and that that’s how the game should be played. The first round of the playoffs is usually just fighting and hitting.
If she’s not careful, she’s going to end up getting signed by the Browns.
Hopefully it’s Lord Stinkton, ruler and rightful heir to the throne of Farts.
How in the FUCK did Oakland finish ahead of getting hit by a car?????
Over/under on the amount of ‘S’up Bro’s?’ that were offered ahead of the exchange?
I work with a 35 year old man who stands up to wipe, and sits down to pee. Most days I half expect him to come to work with an A-Team lunchbox. WTF happened to this man?
Christ, you’re covering all the Kinja bases with your crazy today.
You call one black lady, ‘Diversity’? What are you, Hollywood?
I’d be very curious as to know where in Canada this person lives.
Canadian here. Not one Canadian says ‘oot’ or ‘aboot’.
What you’re looking for is ‘oat’ and ‘aboat’.
Milos Chownic
“Rice Balls?
I’ll take 10,000 of them please!”
- Gov. NJ Christopher Christie
File this under WHOGIVESAFUCK
It’s clear this attention hasn’t altered his eating habits as he’s changed his twitter handle to @PandaExpress.