River Kleenex

Goddammit. I’ve posted about this on DUAN and Above the Redline over the past two days and I’m still furious about it.

Sure, we had the Maine Mariners from 77-92, but I was 10 when the Pirates came to town. That’s where my indoctrination to hockey really began with live games. Seeing Barry Trotz lead the team to the

What else were they expecting from Pirates?

Can’t believe they’re still playing soccer in Fort McMurray

Still better than being stuck with the Houston Rockets.

Unless Nomar Mazara’s dad is a big college baseball fan, I dunno if this is how it happened. Mazara was born a year before Garciaparra’s ML debut.

Is it me or has Letang really been an instigator/dirt bag this entire playoffs? There were a number of dirty plays instigated in the Rangers Pens series as well and he seemed to be the center of many of them. I didn’t really think of him as a “dirty” player or instigator, but my opinion of him is quickly changing. Am

White liberals can't take a race joke. Everyone else is way more chilled about. Wilmore killed it btw that Stephen curry joke was pretty good with a zing

Why is anyone?

He seems pretty pissed about a completely accurate report of his current situation.

Doug Mientkiewicz*

Bill Mueller

Keith Foulke

I don’t know, probably

In before some savant makes an hilarious exchange rate joke.

Throwing buttered popcorn? That’s viscous!

And yet Lebron James makes a point of pantsing himself during finals pregames.

Wow, suprised to read this coming from you. Unless I’m misremembering you’re usually the guy with the attitude of “It’s totally awesome that NBA playoffs includes over half the teams and takes two months to complete. It just means more basketball!”

Last night’s Raps-Pacers game had one of the most bonkers fourth quarters I have ever seen. STAY AWAKE, ALBERT.

This is rich. Especially, coming from a guy who advocates for cilantro in his avocado salsa. You can’t even get salsa right, let alone basketball hot takes. Fuck on outta here.

Dan Boyle, Thank you SO MUCH for not accepting the better contract the Islanders offered you two years ago. After the Isles traded for his rights from the Sharks, Boyle scorned them and left money on the table to sign with the Rangers.