River Kleenex

They should be spraying him with Febreze everytime he comes to the plate.

What about Hot water?

Maximum Bob was the first Leonard book I ever read, and was hooked from their on out. Rum Punch and Out Of Sight are other personal faves, but I will always have a spot in my heart for Maximum Bob. Just a great read, typical Elmore.

Q: Does Ryan Lefebvre also know which team will win the World Series? Asking for a friend.

Counterpoint: Root for the Blue Jays.

That’s just a Royals fan coming to grips.

Little did the Pirates know that the symbolic arrangement of the champagne glasses was not in reference to Pittsburgh.

Jennifer....Je-Jenn-Jennifer JENNIFER.
The level of frustration evident in that voice is great.

One whole country. It’s out of control!

Usually the only things flying through the air at Bills game are spectators.

Went to Montreal for my buddy’s stag. Early morning drinking and 4a.m. last call at the bars do not a good pair, make.
I had to split a bed with the groom-to-be as well. Woke up before anyone in the room and noticed I was COMPLETELY soaked from chest to socks in my own piss. My side of the mattress was like someone had

Literally fuck this guy with the head of a grizzly bear. And then a grizzly bear penis for good measure.

That is some fantastic method acting.

FOOTBALL!!!111111 1!1

Tough to call. I’d say the Yankees biggest hit of the season was getting South Carolina to take down the Confederate flag, but this is a close second.

Jim Tomsula looks like Tom Selleck’s Body double and that one Dad from hockey practice who everybody knows is on cocaine and drinks Fireball in his car, had a baby. Fucking, uncanny.

Hey Samer, do you think Deadspin will be posting any football articles today?

They actually have quite a lovely homage to GM Scot McCloughlan called the (Jim)Beamcatcher.


I have a version of the dream where my teeth crumble into little bits in my mouth and im spitting them out. Like mouthfuls of broken teeth. My jaw usually hurts when I wake up as well. Either I have serious self-worth issues, or Tony, the little boy who lives in Danny Torrance’s mouth, is actually living in my mouth