
Will do, man. Thanks for taking the time to reply!

I believe at some point in the season, likely when everybody has left the subway for the night, we’ll pan over to the AI death match and the Machine’s count will tick up to 1 vs Samaritan’s trillions and then cut to credits.

It will be interesting to see what happens to Daisy/Skye from here on. I’m not saying I want her killed off, but I’d be impressed with the show if she bought the farm.

Cameron is one of the most talented action movie directors working today, even at his current snail’s pace. For all the shit being thrown his way about the derivative nature of Avatar, he took an original IP and turned it into the most successful theatrical release of this century (adjusted for inflation, depending on

It's tough to argue with Stephen, but...how? Interstellar, between-stars travel doesn't really lend itself to benefiting those left behind. Information can't travel faster than light, right?

Unfortunately (according to BBC programme), the Crazy Blacksmiths are getting old & nobody new wants to learn their skills :(

Man, this show is like heartburn—not overly worrisome, but unpleasant nonetheless. The characters are unlikeable, the writing is clumsy, and the pace is fucking glacial. Within five minutes, I was immediately struck by how whiny and bitchy everyone except Strand was, to the point where I was expecting he'd give his

I would expect that too, but, the final episode is titled “return 0;” - so, they’re literally saying that everything will be OK in the end.

I think, as much as I loved the serialized nature of the show, it really made a lot of causal viewers wander off.

The showrunners have sworn from his first appearance that the one character guaranteed to be alive at the end of the show is Bear.

I'm pretty sure that giving a dog a happy ending would be a red flag for the network's standards and practices team.

So basically, the media is now trying to moderate the storylines of actual creators with hackneyed rules and regulations about the “diversity” of what characters are allowed what plot arcs.

They should really rename it 6 Dozen Moms. That would probably be more accurate.

With every episode so far, I find myself wondering how embarrassing it must be for the cast to have to actually say the words on the script.

Unfortunately, I missed out on all the fun. I work on Daniel Island, I didn’t hear or feel anything.

I’ve never heard of sonic booms travelling that far. In my experience, sonic booms are felt when you’re within visual range of the aircraft.

Scalzi sometimes covers his writing time in his tweets. While writing, he tends to get up pretty early and crank out his set number of words-per-day (which seems to average a solid 2,000 or so per day based on my observations) before allowing himself to get on twitter. Staying off of which while writing—and I say this

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I think they set it up that way, but had to write this as if it were the series finale, so they couldn’t introduce any overt cliffhangers or anything. But yes, I think next season will be about “good” vs “evil,” or more aptly, “dead” vs “alive.” Kevin will try to keep the peace and hold society together while Matt

I also hope it gets a 3rd season. Lindelof is doing yeoman’s work on this and perhaps banishing some of the ghosts of LOST while being able to stick with his “unresolved mysteries of life” motif. He upfront told people that the main mystery will never be resolved and others will not have perfect compact answers as