
I can’t recall when it was that I first backed this one. I do remember that since then, I’ve dug deep another couple of times. Regardless, I still feel like a kid counting down the days till Christmas! I sorta wish that they would have released the version that they presented last summer. Instead, I guess we’re

After patiently waiting for Winds of Winter these past years, I’ve gotta say that I’m over it. I confess that I’ve spent way too much time checking and running down rumors that might give a hint as to where Martin was with the book, There was a time in 2016 that I was convinced that I’d be reading Winter by Christmas

I’ll go ahead and admit it. I watched almost the entire first season. I really can’t even give a reason why I tuned in. It was like a dirty little secret I had with myself. Luckily, over the summer, after that first season, the trance was broken and I was free of whatever hold TBBT had on me. Through out the years

I’m going to miss this one when it’s done. It’s one of the few procedural shows that I’ve enjoyed. They’ve managed to keep the overall plot at a believable level. So many times, genre shows start out ok when they have a core group of characters battle against almost overwhelming but still beatable odds’ Then in the

Joe Pera is like a walking, talking Ambien. Having watched the first two episodes, I find myself with a few questions. I figure somebody out there is familiar with his unique talent! First, I’m thinking that no part of this production is fiction, true? This guy actually lives in Michigan’s UP? If not, how did they

Did anyone else understand the opening scene where they were all playing crazy 8's while waiting for the ship to crash? Maybe I missed something, but it was very strange....

You know, I bet your right. In this instance, he’s just denying that it ever happened, which is what he does with everything. You’d think by now he’d be at the ballistic, Def Con One twitter stage. But instead he’s been very quiet. I think, (and hope) that he’s actually scared about this.

I really enjoyed this one. I just sat down and watched it. I didn’t think about all the things that would tend to piss people off, or the liberties they took with the science, or who’d toes got stepped on, none of that. It was just fun to watch!

I am looking forward to this season. I’m anxious to see how they present the the story. Plus, even though nothing is ever easy in these books, at least the viewer is going to get a relative break after watching all the material leading up to Culloden.

Hell, this would bother me, but I seriously doubt that humanity will survive the next 4 years, let alone an event a million years from now. But, if we’re still here in 2020, I’ll put it on the top of my list!

Yes, they were a good read. The first book was my favorite and I kept reading in hopes that Grossman would recapture the mood that made the first one so special.

It sounds like they’re skipping a bunch of good stuff by jumping to the 3rd book. I guess I should say they are missing out on some content which would translate to TV in the best posible way. Who knows, perhaps they’ll still hit the high points. I was a little dissapointed with the first series but I imagine that the

Kinda reminds me of Cartoon Head from the old Johnny Vegas show, Ideal. Those were the days...

When I look at Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Agent Carter and try to compare them to the Flash, Arrow and Legends, it’s not even close. The Marvel offerings are comics for an adult audience and also just plain good TV. I hear people tell me constantly about how great The Flash is, and I just don’t see it. One season

Scalzi is an amazing talent. It took me a little while to realize that regarless of the subject, he writes extremely readable books. So many genre authors attempt to dazzle the reader with techno-babble, but Scalzi just makes the reader crave the next word. I too, got on the bandwagon a little late, with Red Shirts,

I feel the same way. I’m unable to determine which turns my stomach more, the charactor Skye/Daisy or the actress that portrays her. The thing is, I really like the rest of the cast/characters. I bet they could write her out and the ratings would jump a couple of points before the audience realized she was gone....

I thought we could just send the message via sub-space, right? No, no, sorry, forgot, this is a real life proposition! Never mind.

Yeah, I guess the guys daughters want to go to University instead. Imagine that?

I agree. I was hoping they’d start this series off with a death of one of the 7. Just to set the tone, but instead we got more backround about this group that we already got last year. In 2016, viewers are pretty well voiced on the world of the walking dead, so let’s see why we should watch this show. Oh, it’s on a

Misfits was great, right up until Robert Sheehan left the show. It’s not as if he carried the entire cast, but he was the anchor and the show never had the same pop after his departure.