
After patiently waiting for Winds of Winter these past years, I’ve gotta say that I’m over it. I confess that I’ve spent way too much time checking and running down rumors that might give a hint as to where Martin was with the book, There was a time in 2016 that I was convinced that I’d be reading Winter by Christmas

Joe Pera is like a walking, talking Ambien. Having watched the first two episodes, I find myself with a few questions. I figure somebody out there is familiar with his unique talent! First, I’m thinking that no part of this production is fiction, true? This guy actually lives in Michigan’s UP? If not, how did they

You know, I bet your right. In this instance, he’s just denying that it ever happened, which is what he does with everything. You’d think by now he’d be at the ballistic, Def Con One twitter stage. But instead he’s been very quiet. I think, (and hope) that he’s actually scared about this.

What sticks in my most about Defiance, both the series and the video game is hearing and reading SyFy talking about how much money they were spending on both projects. Prior to the first season, every article, preview, and interview contained a financial declaration from SyFy about the huge amount of money they were

Well that little bit of info ruined my Saturday! Well, not really, but I was a tad bit surprised. I’ve actually backed off my Amazon purchases the last few years since I have a friend who works for them. I can only assume that there’s a hidden rainbow buried in her employee contract somewhere. Otherwise, after

I understand a lot of people have a thing about needles. But even though I was paying attention while I received it this year, I truly didn't feel it, at all. I felt the cotton swab and then... nothing. Even if it's only 10% effective, everything I've read suggests it's better than nothing. This needle is nothing to

I'm not getting it. What's the purpose of this? Are there people who would pay a premium to have one of these discarded games? Is this a mystery that actual human beings are curious about?

Doesn't matter, just as good after repeated viewings.

A few weeks ago I read where the show-runner or producer said that he was real happy with 8.5 episodes of this series. He said they were solid. I seem to be having a real hard time finding 1.5 solid ones, let alone 8! But anyway, I'm watching and for the most part, getting a kick out of it. The key to Falling Skies

I was sorta enjoying this one till last week when they started the generators and lit the hospital up like a Christmas tree. Of course this week we find they are low on fuel. Low on fuel and then they decide to let the kid who's demise they were dancing around last week guard the chick who's also got the pretty blue

I would really love to know how they can determine that the edges of the cloud are starting to shred? Perhaps that's the benefit of 20 years of study? Otherwise they must be looking at something different than I am!

It's just my humble opinion, but I really think it will be vastly more interesting if they don't find it at all. However, I'm afraid that it could be years before someone made the declaration that it definitely isn't there....

I'm betting that the reason a lot of the people commenting negatively about Falling Skies this week will change their tune next week when their wives aren't making them watch Nurse Jackie and the Big C. Get a little space under that collar fellas, you'll be feeling better in no time...

Only down side is that it only holds 2.5oz. Then again, 2.5 oz of some things can take care of your business, nicely!

Both Grimm and Once Upon have been painfully slow getting up to speed. But I believe Grimm has finally figured out how to put together a story and is actually beginning to be fun to watch. Once Upon a Time, however, has now spent 20 episodes driving home the point that Emma doesn't believe. By now we get it, time to

My use of, "Big Bad" was wrong. It just seemed to fit at the time. My only real criticism is that after Peter's, "mind meld" they didn't take that information and run with it, plot wise. Personally, one of the reasons I've kept watching all these years is because I've been really curious about the Observers. It's

So, to boil it all down, we've basically watched Fringe for 3 seasons and 18 episodes, and with possibly 1 episode left, we've finally figured out who the Big Bad is? Just curious!

Nice one CJA! Excellent story, I'm embarrassed to say that I only now made the connection!