Carson Daly looks like Huckleberry Hound


Because it's childish?

Jars of Urine is still available.

Yeah. Nobody ever actually runs a 5k, and that's because they're healthy.

Yeah. Not wanting broken wrists in awesome. Check out that cool helmut.

Perhaps if Ashley Judd went through one of these crashes, she'd be less distracted by meany trolls.

You sound jelalous.

Or informed.

My god are women awful.

Indeed. And there’s an abundance of these women, right? They’rw just out on FMLA.

White people and men are the worst. We should discriminate against them.

Or find it uninteresting. Which they’re wrong for doing. Womens studies majors are absolutely correct in saying that other women, not themeseves, but other women must not only be interested in STEM, but must pursue and education and career in STEM.

F for spelling.

Yes, but she’s cis-gendered and straight, so, is this really progress?

Because marvel comics is clearly racist and sexist. DUH!

Too late. The sexism and racism can found in the post.

Good. It's importamt that we set aside ability and focus on sex and skin color. I find that to be a much more progressive way to determine value in people.

I’m always amazed at the capacity for women to be empowered by accomplishing the minimum expected of a healthy adult.

I find tears work best.

There are limits to the objectivity of taste.